chapter 7

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Rescuing A Flower

It was evening and it was quiet in the Saints' base maybe even a little too quiet. Boss, Kinzie, Oleg, Pierce, Viola, Shaundi and Gat were playing a round of poker. Shaundi had the most chips and Pierce the least. ''Aww. It is not my day, today.'' Pierce sighed.

''Bullshit, you can't bluff, that's all,'' Gat commented but he himself only had a little bit more than Pierce.

''Oh yeah? It is not like you are a pro!'' Pierce countered.

''Your control over your face is lacking.'' Oleg chipped in. He had the most chips next to Shaundi.

''Since when are Russian good at poker? You are probably using your height to look into our hands.'' Viola accused. She had also lost some money but still had more than Pierce and Gat combined.

''I am always a gentleman. Such pathetic behavior is beneath me.'' Oleg answered.

''He is just smarter than you,'' Kinzie stated. She almost had as much as Oleg.

''Yeah, yeah you two are smart, we get it.'' Boss interrupted her. He just had one chip more than Johnny. ''But what I don't get is how Shaundi is robbing us blankly,'' Boss said in disbelief.

Shaundi was sitting behind a mountain of chips. She had more than twice as much as Oleg and more than everyone else together. ''A girl always has a secret or two, Boss,'' Shaundi answered in a good mood. With all this money she would be buying herself a load of drugs.

''She is high and therefore unreadable,'' Viola explained shaking her head.

''I should try it out then, too,'' Pierce exclaimed. ''Hey, Shaundi give me some of the stuff.''

''No way. This is my secret weapon.'' Shaundi declined.

''Aww, come on, girl! Don't be like that! It is already bad enough as it is. Please, lend a hand!'' Pierce begged.

''To spend your money will be the most enjoyable,'' Shaundi answered with an evil smile on her face. Pierce gave up.

After ten minutes of intense starring and slow card reveals Boss's phone rang. ''Who the fuck could that be?'' Boss asked out loud. He was concentrated on the game because he had a good hand. ''Yeah, the leader of the Saints speaking.'' He picked up the call.

''Listen, I need your help.'' A voice answered quickly.

''Hello to you, too, Ivy. Nice to hear from you. Is the antidote finished?'' Boss asked.

''No,'' Ivy stated shortly.

''The fuck? Didn't you say, you could create every antidote on the planet?'' Boss wanted to know. He was a little angry. He provided her with the necessary samples. It was now her turn to deliver.

''It wasn't the lack of ability but of time. I had some important stuff to do.'' Poison Ivy explained.

''And why do you call me then?'' Boss questioned.

''My actions gained the attention of a certain someone. Batman is hot on my tail.'' Ivy explained.

''Raise,'' Boss said to the group.

''Are you even listening to me? What are you doing?'' Ivy's voice rose in irritation. She wasn't used to being ignored and especially when she needed help.

''Relax! I am playing poker with the gang. And also, you wanted my help. Beggars can't be choosers.'' Boss stated.

''Poison Ivy does not beg. I see it was a mistake calling you.'' Ivy said with poison in her voice.

The Dangerous Badass Man(The Saints Of Gotham Male Reader) X Batman(hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now