chapter 8

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Batman vs the most dangerous man alive

It was a few days after Boss had freed Ivy. Ivy had finished the antidote and was back in her own hide-out at the Robinson Park. She left, but not before she strengthened the alliance between her and the Saints. She insisted that she had to pay a debt and Poison Ivy always repaid her debts. Whenever the Saints would need help again, they should just call her, and Ivy would help. Equipped with a new cellphone, the last was taken by Batman, she left the Saints.

Johnny Gat was getting bored. The progress with the other gangs were slow. Bane and Two-face didn't cause much troubles. They stayed in their territories and didn't dare to come out. After the two failed stunts that Black Mask had pulled off, he went into hiding.

The Saints were now controlling most of his turf, but they couldn't deliver the final blow. Johnny had heard about one of the last strongholds of Black Mask. He planned to grab some guys and raid the place tonight. He was getting restless. It would be an easy job. Just killing everybody in the building and that was it. Johnny didn't expect some kind of problem.

Midnight he met up with his crew. They were standing in front of a stripper club. Johnny had heard that this was a secret base of Black Mask. He was followed by seven more Saints. The building consisted of three floors.

They would barge in and secure the ground floor. Then three Saints would stay behind to guard it. The other four Saints would clean out the second floor and Gat would handle the last floor. The plan went accordingly, and Gat reached the third floor. He could hear how the Saints in the second floor started to clean the place of every Black Mask.

Gat holding a gun in his left and a knife in his right hand opened slowly the door which led to the third floor. Strangely Gat did not hear any noises. Gat was sure that all the guys in this floor would be in total panic by now. He looked in the room and saw nothing. There was nobody in there. Gat slowly opened the door to the next room.

In the second room he saw people lying on the ground unconscious. He recognized them as members of Black Mask's gang. He kneed down to feel their pulse. Indeed, they were still alive. No one of his guys would fuss about to knock them out when it was much easier to just kill them. There was only one explanation: Batman.

Only he would show such mercy towards criminals. Gat slowly stood up. He looked around in the darkness. Although he neither could see nor hear Batman, Johnny was sure he was there. Johnny made himself ready for a fight. ''What luck I have! I originally just wanted to kill some Back Masks and now I have the opportunity to kill the Batman.'' Gat shouted and shot some bullets randomly in the dark. ''Come out and face me like a man.'' Gat tried to provoke Batman. ''I was almost certain that the Boss would get you first but now you are mine.'' He again shot in the dark. ''Come out, bastard. I will break your neck when I get my hands on you.'' Gat started to get irritated. He shot again but no bullet came out. ''Out of ammo already?'' Gat stated. On cue Batman appeared out of the shadows and charged Gat. ''You are making it too easy.'' To Batman's surprise Gat took aim and shot. Luckily Batman could barely dodge. The bullet brushed his cheek.

Gat let go of his gun and tried to use the opening Batman showed. Gat engaged Batman with quick and powerful strikes with his knife. Gat managed to brush also his left hand, but Batman recovered fast and blocked the rest of the attacks. Batman caught Gat's knife hand and pushed back with his two arms. Gat also using his both hands tried to stab through Batman's throat. ''You really fell for the out of ammo gimmick.'' Gat laughed.

He pushed stronger and the knife neared Batman's throat. Then Batman broke the tension and managed to avoid the blow. He used his cap to confuse Gat. While he hit Gat with the cap, Batman knocked Gat's glasses off. Gat now serious grabbed his cap and pulled. Batman stumbled and Gat hit him with his left fist. Batman blocked the punch and kicked Gat in the stomach.

The Dangerous Badass Man(The Saints Of Gotham Male Reader) X Batman(hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now