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billie's POV


"billie, the cops are here." finneas wakes me and i get out of the bed. i decided i wanted to sleep next to elle and there was enough room so like... why not? "great to see you billie. i am so sorry this happened. we are here to ask you a few questions." one of the officers explains and shakes my hand. "i am officer johnson and this is my partner officer miller." officer johnson gestures to the small lady next to him. she may be small but she seems tough. like elle. "good to meet you. i'm billie" i smile weakly and shake officer miller's hand. "now, if you would come with us so we can talk in private that would be great" officer johnson smiles a little. "okay" i nod and follow them to an empty room the hospital said we could use.

"so, give us your side of this situation." officer miller orders. "i was talking to fans, everything was normal. i noticed elle had her hands over her ears so i gave her noise cancelling head phones. i thought she was following me and made my way down the line of fans. i heard someone scream pretty loud, but everyone was screaming so it wasn't out of the ordinary. i shrugged it off until i turned and saw elle's lifeless body in my dad's arms. i ran over and we took her to the green room. we studied her and figured that someone had tried to choke her and she passed out. i ran out and found the guy and had my brother finneas call the police. i handed the man over to my security guard sully and went back to the green room." i explain. "what happened after that?" she asks. "i talked to my father for a few minutes and then we brought her out to the ambulance." i tell them. "what were you and your dad talking about?" officer johnson questions. "he told me he had tried everything he could think of to wake her up and when it didn't work, he called the ambulance. i told him i couldn't do the show and he said he understood. that's when finneas and claudia came in and told us that you two and he ambulance were here. oh my god! i left out a huge part!" i exclaim and hit my forehead with my palm. "elaborate." officer johnson motions. "well, once i found the man he tried to run and jumped over the barricade. i grabbed him and he threatened to quote, 'slit my throat'. i knew he had a knife because a fan a little in front of him said that the man had a knife and he was taking it out as elle passed out. she witnessed the entire thing and tried to stop him but he wouldn't. everyone around him tried to stop him, but he threatened them all." i continue. "did you catch these fan's names?" officer miller asks. "no, i didn't. they may still be there but i am unsure." i answer. "we'll go check it out, can you come with us to figure out who it was?" officer miller asks. "i- i guess so. but finneas is coming too." i tell them.

we drive back to the venue, and sure enough tons of fans are still there. i see the girl who told me about what happened and i run over to her. "i need you to come with me" i tell her. "why?" she furrows her eyebrows. "i mean, obviously i will but why?" she responds. "the cops need to ask you a few questions due to you being a witness." i explain. "okay." she agrees. "let's take her to the green room" i suggest. i walk down the line and see a few of the people that stood next to the man. "you three as well" i point them out. i help them hop over the barricade and take them to the green room with the cops and the other girl.

"we're going to have to interview them one on one. so may we please have some privacy?" officer johnson asks. "of course. you guys come with me, you stay. what's your name by the way?" i ask. "my name is juniper green" she answers. "okay. you guys get back to the interview. we will be outside." i tell them and bring the three others and finneas to the stage.

"this is so cool!" one of the kids exclaims. "what's your name" i point to the only boy. "my name? it's liam jacobson." he answers. "yours?" i point to another person. "winter brooks." she smiles. "and yours?" i ask the last person. "my name is magnolia māhoe." she responds. "say your last name again" i smile. "māhoe." she laughs. "what is that? what's your nationality?" i question. "i'm hawaiin" she giggles. "brooo, that's sick" i say in awe. "wait really?" finneas smiles like a child. "yep" she nods."you guys want a private concert?" i smirk. "of course!" the say in unison. "what songs do you want to hear?" i ask.

we play ilomilo (requested by liam), bad guy (requested by winter) and everything i wanted (requested by magnolia) the officers switch juniper and winter and we play a few more songs. then they take liam and we sing a few more. and then they take magnolia and we play about 3 more. after a while, magnolia comes back and we decide to play a couple more songs. "everyone off the stage and into the crowd" i tell them. the obey and get off the stage. we start the i love you music and i sit down on the edge of the stage. finneas sits down next to me and continues playing. we sing through half the song and i start crying. "i can't do it" i sob. "it's okay billie!" i hear them all yell. "i need to go be with elle" i sniffle. "go! go billie!" they order. "can we go?" i ask finneas. "of course" he nods. "i'm really sorry you guys didn't get the full show. we're rescheduling and you'll still have tickets." i explain and stand up. "it's okay billie. this was still the best experience i've ever had. thank you" liam smiles weakly. i drop down into the crowd area and hug them all. "thank you guys." i whisper. "can i have a word alone with you please?" magnolia asks. "of course" i nod.

i pull magnolia aside and she hugs me tightly. "i love you so much. you saved my life." she whispers. immediately, i remember a loud ass british girl saying those exact words in the exact same tone and hug her tighter. "i love you too. don't forget that. thank you so much" i tell her. "i'm sorry i started crying, we got pictures together right?" i sniffle and wipe my tears away. "yes, we did. and don't be sorry. you're aloud to feel this way. thank you so much for the best day of my life. i look forward to seeing you whenever i get to." she says with a small smile. "thank you for making me smile when i felt i may never do that ever again" i smile back. we hug again and walk back to everyone else. i hug all of them once again and we go back to the hospital.

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