~ f i f t e e n ~

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(Quick note: these chapters are written after the event was posted about. They show what happened behind the scenes. Hope that makes sense but anyway, back to the story!)

The Winter Soirée ~ Part two

      "Good night, everyone!" Diana blew exaggerated air kisses to everyone before they entered their rooms. The girls were all given an option to sleep in seperate rooms but they were quite adamant on staying in the same one. It was their first night at Jo's house and they were all living the dream, already.

      Before Josephine Barry turned her heal Anne spoke up. "Thank you for the wonderful evening, Ms Barry. I loved every second," Anne gleefully says.

     "Of course! I love being around you and your youthful friends. It makes me feel young again," Ms Barry smiles. "I see the romantic tension too. It's so entertaining to watch."

     Anne crooked her eyebrow in confusion. "Romantic tension?" She laughs. As much as she was so self assured and aware of herself, she was so bloody oblivious!

"Oh- uh... forget i said anything," Ms Barry said in a softer tone.

Before Anne could let her thoughts run wild about what Josephine Barry meant by 'romantic tension' they were both interrupted by a very worried Diana. "Anne, come quick. It's Ruby."

"Is everything alright?" Josephine asked in concern.

    "Oh everything will be fine, Aunt Jo," Diana assured. "Just Ruby drama. You know how she is," She half laughed.

    "Okay well we best go off to bed now. We've all got a big day tomorrow," Ms Barry yawned. "Good night girls."

    After Aunt Jo walked off, Anne quickly shut the girls' room door and Diana pulled anne in to the corridor seperate to where all the guest dorms were in. "What's going on?" Anne asked.

      "That's the thing... I have no idea," Diana whispered frustratedly. "I just know that Ruby's been pissed off ever since we got out of my car a couple of hours ago for whatever reason. You should've seen her face!"

     "Is it bad that I didn't realise?" Anne confessed. She felt so guilty saying that afterwards because she was supposed to be one of Ruby's best friends.

      "My, you are so oblivious," Diana groans. "She's been pissed off the whole dinner too and you didn't notice!"

      "I'm sorry, okay?" Anne gave in. But as guilty as Anne felt for not noticing how Ruby was acting, a slight anger for Diana fumed deep inside of her. "But if I'm so oblivious then why don't you know why she's acting this way?"

      Diana paused for she did not know how to respond. As much as Anne is completely oblivious, Diana was as stubborn as a mule.

      "I- uh," she started as she furrowed her bushy eyebrows. "This isn't about me, for crying out loud! Not even a couple minutes ago Ruby was bawling her eyes out in to her pillow."

      Anne's features softened and a little "oh" was all that fell out of her mouth. The girls were frustrated with each other's stubbornness and obliviousness but they both knew it was selfish of them to argue if the situation was about Ruby.

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