(Fluff) Favorite ordinary person: Moriarty

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Everyday after work you came home to your flat, just below 221b, and saw at the doorstep of Baker street, either a rose, or package sent to you. It had been a month of these odd things and you were going to question your annoying neighbour Sherlock Holmes about it. "Sherlock?!" You shout as you make your way up the stairs.

"Oh here we go..." you hear Sherlock say as you open the door.

"Don't give me attitude when you don't even know what I'm going to ask," he smirks and turns towards the door where you stood.

"You're going to ask if I know anything about those packages? Am I correct?" You sigh and nod. "All I know is the same blonde haired man with obvious military training keeps leaving them," you look down and sigh... not your type... your type? Smart and dark hair... but not Sherlock, he's an ass type of smart, no you want smart and charming.

"Anything else you can tell me?" He sighs and sits down in his chair.

"The man that delivers the package isn't the one who's sending them..." your eyes widen slightly and you smile.

"Thank you," you make your way downstairs with the gift and into your flat, you place it on the table and get ready to unwrap it. It was fairly big so it could have been anything. The red ribbon that held the box together fell and the lid was lifted, inside was a F/c dress with matching heels. "Oh my god," you lifted the dress and saw reached just above your knees. Along with it was a note saying:

Be ready by 7 tonight and please wear what I've given you.

- JM x

You read the note over and over again. "I'm meeting him?! This is amazing!" You look at the clock, 5:30... a shower will do.


It was 7... it was time and you didn't know if you were ready... hell, you didn't know if it was ready as in looks ready or mentally ready, you said fuck it and exited your flat. As if on cue a sleek black car pulls up and a dark haired man with a deep brown eyes walks out. "Glad to see you accepted my request," his accent dripped Irish and you were a sucker for his voice though you had only heard it just now.

"So you're the mystery man who keeps leaving me presents?" He shrugs.

"Guilty," his mouth turns to a grin and you smirk. He opens the door like a gentleman and you enter without hesitation. "Why aren't you worried about who I am?" He says once he got into the car.


"Well curiosity killed the cat, my dear," you shudder at his sudden closeness. Reaching a grand restaurant both of you get out and enter, immediately eyes are on you and people escort you to your table. Dinner was fantastic and you went on about your life and him about his. It shocked you at first that he was a criminal but after a while it didn't bother you. You smile fondly as you ate your desserts.


"Why me?" You asked on the way back to Baker Street. The night was quiet as you had decided to take a stroll through the park instead of going for a short drive in the sleek black car. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and shrugs in a cute manner.

"You're unique," you chuckle and look down at your feet.

"If you think about it everyone is unique in their own way-"

"Yes but you see, you're smart, you're not boring," the both of you slowly got to Baker Street.

"Well... this is me!" Looking right into his eyes you could see a glimmer of joy the same you saw all night, he looked like the type of guy that needed someone and hopefully that someone would be you... you lean forward and kiss him goodnight, opening 221b you close the door and sigh. That was magical.



- Anna ❤️

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