(Angst/fluff) About time!: Sherlock x reader x Moriarty

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Just getting home from a stressful day of classes you groan to find that your keys were missing! However looking at your door you saw that it was open, how convenient... wait- hold on... this means someone broke in! You didn't care though, they should be gone by now? Just as precaution however you take out your pocket knife and scan your small flat. Nothing- "Hello little lady,"

"Holy fu-!" You were about to scream for help but the tall blonde man covers your mouth aggressively and tuts.

"Now- we can either do this the easy way or the hard way, which do you want?" He takes his hand off your mouth, staring up at the taller man you shrug.

"How about the hard way. HELP-!" Black.


"What the f-"

"Glad to see my little pawn is awake..." a sudden Irish voice hits your ears, feeling louder than it was. Squinting you try and locate the source of this voice but to no luck... but eventually out of the shadows a well dressed man appears walking slowly- on the ceiling?!

"Oh... wait I'm hanging upside down..." you chuckle to yourself, finally getting a sense of what was happening you look down- or up? You didn't know. There was a glass tank filling up with water, how cliché... "So what's your villain backstory?" You try and struggle with the rope but to no avail.

"Villain backstory? Oh honey, that's too cliche! I have originality, you see,"

"Yes and me hanging upside down as a tank fills up with water just screams originality!" You says sarcastically. Looking closer at the figure you see familiarity, you know this guy from somewhere. "Hold on, do I know you from somewhere?- Oh! You're the guy that stole the Crown Jewels! Ok that was pretty cool not gonna lie," his dark chuckle sent a shiver down your spine.

"Indeed I am, darling, and thank you..."

"So we are waiting for Sherlock am I right?" He turns to look at you with a grin. "I'll take that as a creepy yes... thanks for this opportunity by the way..." he cocks a brow turning his focus back to you.

"Hm?" He questions your thanking.

"I mean my life was shit! Now I'm gonna die! This is very exciting, I'd rather this than my shitty low paying job and horrible college classes..." he looks at you oddly before you burst into laughter. "Hey! Don't look at me like that, your life must be so interesting... life's meaningless without laughter and madness, hell, it's a dull joke like my life... just end me already!" You shout at him angrily while struggling with the ropes. He gets startled before covering his shock with a smirk.

"Is the blood rushing to your head now?" You nod and roll your eyes.

"Say, if I die will you delete my search history? Concerning stuff on there... gory-" the man pulls out his phone before reading out one bit of your search history.

"Cute cats to stop you from crying?-"

"Hey! Don't read that stuff out loud!" He scrolls down a bit more before smirking and turning the phone upside down to face you. Reading the search title you blush furiously. "I'm going to end you." You say through gritted teeth.


A bit of time had passed and you were now sitting tied up in a chair, hands behind your back, with tea and biscuits in front of you. You see you passed out too many times for Jim's liking, he insisted you call him Jim. Now having a lovely conversation about the 'lovely' older Holmes brother that you have met on some occasions by accident, you struggle to get a biscuit in your mouth due to- well due to the lack of hands.

"Y/n?!" With biscuit mid mouth you turn and drop the biscuit you had been working on for the past five minutes.

"Oh come on!" You grunt and look up at the culprit. "Oh! Sherlock, glad you could join us,"

"Hold on, that was my line!" Jim whined, you giggle and take a sip of your tea.

"Sorry jimmy boy life sucks sometimes," to be frank Sherlock and his companion, John, was shocked at the small scene in front of them. Sherlock struggles to find words to begin with.

"Anyways," Jim wipes crumbs off his expensive Westwood suit and stands up to greet the younger Holmes. "Glad you could join us at last Sherly..." Jim glares at you while you chuckle and start work on another biscuit.

"Uh-uhm... M-Moriarty..." he finally composed himself and took out a pink diamond. "Here," he holds it out to him. "In exchange for Y/n's life," Jim takes hold of the diamond inspecting it closely, then throwing it behind his back onto the tray of treats in front of you.

"Could've gotten that anywhere," he shrugs. Spitting out the good in your mouth you quickly scramble to your feet and turn the chair around so you grab the diamond, the three men eyed you weirdly and you shrugged as you got hold of the jewel.

"What? That's like millions of 7/11 slushies!" Then men continued to chatter, arch nemesis stuff... using the butter Moriarty used, you slipped off the ropes. The men were too busy standing face to face to realize you walked out with a pink diamond worth millions. "Not such a bad day..."


First request! I loved making it so please keep them up!

- Anna ❤️

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