(Fluff) The criminal: Sherlock

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Taking a leap off the ledge you land on roof of the moving train headed to Kensington. Catch your breath you lay face up on the train as it passes through a tunnel. Admiring the diamond you wipe off the faint splatter of blood. Oh how the police were so close to catching you this time, sad how you had to cut off loose ends mid heist.


"We were so close!" Inspector Lestrade shouted when he got back to his office the next day.

"Sir, we could try again-"

"Again? we waited 4 months for this heist to happen! we covered every entrance and exit! AND SHE STILL GOT AWAY!" Lestrade slams the file on the table and huffs.

"If you are going to suggest going to... him... then I won't allow it,"

"It's not in your jurisdiction, Donovan," Donovan sighs as Lestrade takes out his phone to text the consulting detective. As he starts to type a message from Sherlock pings before he could finish the sentence.

What type of case? - SH

How did you know I was going to ask you for help? - GL

Obviously you only text me when you need help - SH

I have a robbery case - GL

Robberies are too easy - SH

Not even one that includes a dead body and the Vivo Per Lei? - GL

I will be there as soon as possible - SH

Greg sits backs in his chair and sighs. Hopefully Sherlock will be able to catch this thief.


You lay back on your sofa looking at the beautiful diamond ring on your finger. A little big but that didn't matter, you would be selling it soon. Hearing a knock on the front door you sigh, placing the ring in a velvet box and placing it on the coffee table you open the door to reveal a handsome man in a coat and scarf. "Hi, i was wondering if I could come in?" You eyed him suspiciously before he held up a badge. "Detective Inspector Robinson,"


"Come on in," you gesture inside and go to the kitchen. "Tea?"

"No thank you," he replies, he takes a swift look around the room until you came back with tea for yourself. Gesturing for him to sit down you do too, him sitting across from you on the couch.

"What can I do for you, Detective?" He takes out a notepad and pen, ready to jot down notes.

"Recently there was a robbery, the Vivo Per Lei," you gasp.

"What does this have to do with me?" You ask dramatically.

"You are a suspect,"

"A suspect? Why is that? What evidence links me to the robbery?" He points at the velvet box on the table. "My grandmothers wedding ring?" You asked confused.

"We both know thats not quite true is it?" He takes the box in his hand, you smirk as he turns his back away from you. He slowly opens the box but is tackled the moment he lays eyes on the precious diamond.

"Now you didn't think I would catch you in your little act, did you Mr Holmes?" You pinned him to the ground as he struggled to get out of your grip. "Perhaps it would be rude not to introduce myself, Lucy Swanbourne,"

"Now if I didn't know the truth I'd say I'd believe you, pleasure to meet the great Y/n L/n," he grunts as he pushes you off him.

"Smart, but I should be off," you take the diamond ring and place it carefully in your bag. Hopping up you and the detective face each other, a scowl on his face and a smirk on yours.

"You're not going anywhere with that diamond I'm afraid," you raise a gun to his chest. His calm facade falters with fear, composing himself he breathes deeply.

"Afraid I will," you shrug and quickly point the gun to his shoulder. A silenced blast goes off. A needle sticks out of his shoulder, Sherlock looks shocked for a second before he starts to slur on his words. "It's really disappointing that I have to leave such a handsome man lying on the floor..." his eyes widen for second before they roll to the back of his head. You place a soft kiss on his forehead before gently patting his cheek. Sirens start to fill the air, that was your queue. Grabbing everything you need you jump out the window into an ally, strutting away causally into the street.


"So you had her?" Sherlock nods for the hundredth time. "And she just got away!"

"Remember the fact she shot me with tranquillising gun, Geoffrey," Greg was about to correct him but decided against it. He leaves Sherlock and John alone in the room.

"You aren't as mad as you should be," Sherlock hums absentmindedly. "Why?"

"Because I'm sure this isn't the last we will see of Miss L/n," Sherlock closes his eyes and resumes his praying position. His mind wonders back to the image of the criminal that just escaped his grasp.


Long time since I've updated this smh very sorry I've been busy with other books!

- Anna ❤️

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