How he asked you out

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It was the end of a case and you were chasing the suspect, your blood pumping and adrenaline coursing through your veins you tackled the woman to the ground. Rolling across the street she starts to scream for help. Finally looking at her face you're struck with shock. "Sherlock this isn't her..." Sherlocks rugged breathing subsided and he looked down and grunted. "Sorry ma'am... police business," she gets off the ground and starts to run the opposite way in shock. Seeing her run towards a policeman on duty you groan and look up at the detective. "Caught your breath yet?"

"Yup," he smirks at you and you both run off down the street towards Baker Street. Back at a fast pace the adrenaline high hit as you shut the door of 221b. "That was-"

"A shame? I agree," you chuckle. Then Sherlock started to laugh silently. "What?" You grin.

"Nothing... just... 'Sorry ma'am... police business'" you roll your eyes playfully and lightly punch his arm.

"Shut up," Sherlock looks down at you, his pupils dilate, you didn't know if it was the adrenaline or not but you leaned in kissed him. Surprisingly he wasn't shocked or awkward, instead he cupped your face and pulled away when Mrs Hudson popped through the door.

"Oh! Sorry dears... just wondering if you'd like some tea... but I guess you're too busy," she smirks and walks back into her flat. Blushing crimson you smile back at Sherlock who had rolled his eyes.

"Y/n?" Humming in response, focusing on the buzzing on your lips you turn to Sherlock who was twiddling his thumbs. "Would you like to solve a small case with me tomorrow?" You chuckle in response.

"Is this how the great Sherlock Holmes asks people out?" He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck, nodding. "I'd love to,"


It had been a few weeks since living in 221c you'd gotten to know the two upstairs. The tall mysterious man being Sherlock Holmes and short cute man being John Watson. Apparently to Sherlock you was the smartest person in the building, him not included, so he'd invite you upstairs to look through cases. You and John shared many interests and the more you got to know about him the more you fell for the blonde man. So now here you were sitting on the couch of 221b stealing glances of the blonde man. A groan broke out suddenly, it was Sherlock. "For gods sake! Will you two stop looking at each other?! Isn't it obvious you both like one another? John be a man and ask Y/n out already! You've been practicing for weeks anyways..." Sherlock suddenly left the flat going down to Mrs Hudson for tea.

"Uhm..." John started awkwardly. Looking at each other you chuckle.

"Is it true? You've been practicing for weeks?" You smirked. He blushes and shrugs.

"Maybe weeks is a bit of an exaggeration..."

"No it's not!" You hear Sherlock shout from downstairs. John groans and glances back down at his newspaper.

"You know if you had asked me out I would've said yes..." you say as you fiddle with the pages of evidence in front of you. John chokes on his tea causing you to laugh.

"Really?" You nod, smiling. "Well then, Y/n... would like to go out for dinner with me? Tomorrow night at 7?"

"Of course," you giggle.

"Finally! God that took a while, let's get back to this case shall we?" Sherlock said with a sigh as he sprinted upstairs.


"Mr Moriarty, there is a meeting at 2 with the newest recruits and you have a dinner tonight with Mr Hunt at 7," you say looking down at your schedule for day. He nods before replying.

"Cancel the dinner with Mr Hunt, I'm taking a very special woman out to dinner tonight," you nod and start jotting changes down. "Though I do need an answer from her,"

"Would you like me to send out an invitation with flowers?" You ask, taking out your phone.

"No need, I will ask her in person," putting your phone away you nod.

"Will she be arriving here soon or shall I call for the car to drive you?" He shakes his head.

"She's already here," you quirk your brow.

"Shall I bring her in then-" you gesture to the door.

"Y/n how would you like to go out for dinner with me?" The look of shock and confusion was written all over your face. "Well? I do need an answer," he said, leaning back in his chair.

"Uhm... y-yes of course, Mr Moriarty," he holds up his hand.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to," he said with a disappointed glance.

"No, I would love to go out with you, Mr Moriarty," you said more confidently. He smiles.

"Be ready by 7, and please call me Jim," you nod and leave the room, holding in the squeal until you got back to your room.

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