Chapter 1: The Encounter

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Four weeks of traveling had finally led me to Paris. I figured the city of the famous Eiffel Tower was far enough away from home and my parents. The journey was agony for me physically and mentally; having to minimise the use of my powers and fly on a plane to travel. It seemed to take twice as long to buy the actual ticket then it did to fly. I didn't do anything illegal I swear, but I'm ashamed to say, that I had to ask Fruitloop for help. I made a deal that I owed him one- which left me feeling bitter for the entire flight to France. As for the reason why I suppressed my powers, was because they were the reason I'm in this situation and the cause of all this pain. I hate my powers. I came to Paris because I excelled in my French class- to my surprise- plus it's a place where Sam, Tucker, and Jazz would least expect me to go to. Therefore France was the perfect place to restart my life.

I was sitting on the curbed pavement in the middle of Paris. With no money to buy any food or water, I looked just like a homeless kid- which to be fair- I was. I was drenched in sweat from sitting beneath the boiling sun; along with being dehydrated and starving. I drooled hungrily as a man walked past with a fast food burger in hand. My stomach growled at the sight of delicious smelling food out of my reach, and I swiftly covered my abdomen to muffle the sound.

"Please, does anyone have any change they could spare?" I pleaded in french to the passing pedestrians. My words were ignored as they continued walking past as if I wasn't even there. I sighed in exhaustion and boredom; having nothing to do and nothing in my possession except for my clothes on my back.

After a few minutes had past I noticed an old man struggling to carry three over-filled bags of groceries. He began to stumble forwards and my instincts involuntarily kicked in. I rushed to my feet and dashed over to stop his fall.

"Sir, are you all right?" I asked in concern as I helped him regain his balance. I gazed down at the old man and mused about his appearance. He had a beard, a red Hawaiian shirt and brown shorts. He seemed to either be Chinese or Vietnamese from what I could tell- but was leaning more on Chinese.

The man gazed up at me and smiled warmly.

"Yes, I'm fine now. Thank you very much, young man." He said as he adjusted his shopping bags into a more comforatable postion.

"Here, let me lend you a hand with your bags, sir." I offered and went to take two of the grocery bags. The old man thankfully didn't argue as he let me take them.

"Thank you again, but are you sure? I wouldn't want your parents worrying about where you are." The old man said. My expression saddened at the mention of my parents.

"To tell you the truth, sir. I'm homeless." My shoulders sagged and I let a pitiful smile grace my features. Even though I was weak and exhausted, I would still help someone in need regardless of my condition. I would certainly die of starvation at this rate. The man gave me an apologetic look and placed a hand on my arm in comfort.

"I'm sad to see a young boy like you in this state. You have a very kind heart if you rushed all this way to help me. I could make you something to eat in return for your kindness." He said. I blinked at him in surprise.

"Really?" My eyes gleamed and he nodded.

"Please, follow me. My home isn't that far from here."


We arrived at the old man's apartment and I placed the bags on the kitchen counter. The place wasn't big, but wasn't exactly small either. It was a perfect size for at least one to two people.

I turned to the man and thanked him for offering to cook him a meal.

"What is your name, young one?" He asked me. I hesitated to tell a stranger my name, but decided that giving him my first name wouldn't do any harm- and the man did seem trustworthy.

"My name's Danny." I answered.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Danny." He said as he started chopping some vegetables. "My name is Wang Fu, but you may call me Fu." Mr Fu introduced himself. I nodded and gazed around the room while Fu continued cooking our meals. I noticed an old music player, one of those fancy ones. I went over to it and analysed it's structure. I had never seen one in person before, and assumed Mr Fu was into jazz or classical music.

After a few minutes of waiting the food was finally done and I didn't wait for even a beat of a moment before I dug in. It tasted almost heavenly with the sauce mixed in with the rice, and the chicken and eggs cut into small pieces. I finished the entire bowl of food within seconds and Mr Fu chuckled.

"You must not have eaten for quite some time. I'm glad I was able to help you." Wang Fu said.

"You have no idea." I said with a smile, my exhaustion slowly starting to fade with a full stomach. Fu nodded in understanding before his gaze fell on the music player for a long moment as if in thought.

"Follow me. I'd like to show and give you something." He said and I followed him to where the music player was. I watched him press a sequence of buttons, before the top of the player folded back to reveal a black fancy box. I blinked in surprise as my brain tried to process what was happening. Well...This took a strange turn...Do all old men have a mysterious black box in their house hidden inside a music player? Or do I just have the strangest luck in the world? He opened the top of the box and to my disbelief more openings revealed themselves from inside to showcase different varieties of jewellery. Fu's hand automatically reached out for the black ring engraved with a green paw print. His hand froze and hovered over the piece of jewellery. Fu pulled his hand away and hesitantly lifted up the base of the box. He fished out a black and red pair of earrings and a ring to reveal yet another secret compartment, that held a bat shaped pin. Fu removed the pin before closing the box and returning it back inside the music player.

"Danny, this is accessory that is very special and magical." He held the pin out towards of me and I easily took it.

"What does it do?" I asked as I eyed it in interest. Suddenly, the pin glowed bright before dulling moments later. At first I thought my baby-blue eyes were deceiving me as they were met with dark lavender ones. Those foreign coloured eyes belonged to a small alien-like creature that looked very much like a bat as it floated in mid-air.

"Hello, my Master." It spoke. "My name is Tino, and I am your Kwami."

"Excuse me. What?"

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