Chapter 2: The Birth of Surveillant

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"Excuse me. What?"

"I said, I'm your Kwami, Tino." The floating creature repeated. I internally cried in disbelief and buried my face in my hands.

"Why does my life keep getting weirder?" I muttered beneath my breath. "This is ridiculous."

I lifted my face from my hands and gazed at Tino and Mr Fu. "Hey, what's a Kwami? Why me?" I questioned them.

The two shared a similar look before they turned to me. Fu cleared his throat before he answered.

"Kwamis are divine, spirit-like beings who embody 'abstract' concepts. They give certain powers to people with Miraculouses, transforming them into animal-themed super beings." Fu explained. Tino nodding along with the elder's explanation. "The pin in your possession is a Miraculous. I have chosen you because of your kind heart, and proved further from your actions to help someone in need even when you needed help yourself. You are a rare gem among people." Fu said with a smile. "Tino, here." He gestured to the bat Kwami who floated by his shoulder. "He's a unique being among his fellow Kwamis. He is the one that oversees all of his kind and ensures that they stay in line and remain safe inside their magic realm."

I frowned at the information Fu relayed to me. "If Tino takes care of the Kwamis; isn't it putting the rest of them in danger by giving Tino's Miraculous to me?" I asked him in sudden concern for the mysterious being. Fu and Tino smiled at Danny simultaneously.

"I'm glad that you're concerned for the Kwamis wellbeing. But with you having Tino, it will benefit them even more. You and Tino together will make a powerful pair, I know it." Fu said determined. Tino flew over to me and settled on my shoulder. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my lips. "You seem quite calm, it's like you've experienced something like this before." The old man stated.

"I guess... just it wasn't magical like this, instead a tad more traumatising." I replied bitterly. Tino patted my cheek gently with his tiny, fingerless hands while Fu hummed in thought.

"We will not force you to tell us your past, and we will not force you to be a Miraculous wielder." Fu announced in understanding, his tone gentle and assuring. I took a moment to think about all I had experienced up to this point. Do I want to have more power on top of the ones I already possessed? Will I hurt people with this new unknown power? Am I really worthy to have a Miraculous? But then, this could also be a new start. With new powers that could save people instead of inevitably hurting them. I gazed up at Fu when I had finally made up my mind. I was determined to make a change and forget the past that haunted me. This will be the chance to start working on a new and improved me.

"I want to protect the Kwamis, and be the best guardian of the Miraculouses that I can be!" I said with more motivation than necessary. Fu and Tino nodded in pleased approval of my unwavering determination.

"I am happy to hear that. Now to be able to activate your powers you must say a specific phrase." Fu gestured to Tino to take the lead.

"Danny, you have to say; Tino, fangs out!" Tino explained excitedly. I placed the bat pin on my shirt collar before I said the magic words.

"Tino, fangs out!" I called out into the air. Tino allowed himself to be sucked into the pin and it glowed immensely bright. I instinctively traced my fingers up passed my forehead and combed back my jet-black hair. A trail of white light followed my hand's movement up from my cheeks to my brow to form a dark mask that covered my eyes. My other hand trailed down the side of my neck and down to my chest with the same white light tracking after my touch. I followed it with my eyes as the light moved passed my flexing fingertips and travelled down to my feet. My body was seconds later enveloped in a matching dark suit. I patted lightly on the middle of my chest, and I silently awed as a dark 'V' shaped stripe appeared across my chest. Fin-like wings spread from the symbol and attatched themselves  underneath my arms. Finally I involuntarily stomped my foot and a long piece of dark fabric, with a molded handle, slithered around my waist. With that the transformation was complete.

Fu smiled at me with pride as he approached, and patted my arm.

"It suits you perfectly." He stated happily and I smiled back. "From now on your hero name will be-" Fu was rudely cut off when a sudden voice finished his sentence for him.

"Surveillant!" A turtle Kwami flew in front of me in a blink of an eye. I leapt back and yelped in fearful surprise.

"Where the heck did you come from!?" I exclaimed.

This was the beginning of my new life as the guardian of the Kwamis, Surveillant.

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