Chapter 5: A Familiar Face

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"Hello, Daniel." The familiar smirk spread across his usual narcissistic face. My expressions sour in disgust at the suited businessman. Him of all people I had to run into this morning.

I swiftly distanced myself from the grey-haired lunatic, my body on high alert from the figure in front of me. 

"Fruitloop, what are you doing here?" My brows creased into a frown. I knew he wasn't here just to sightsee Paris, he had a motive and it's definitely got to do with me. Fruitloop-Vlad was his actual name- raised a brow down at me and gave a mockingly hurt expression. 

"Am I not allowed to visit the 'City of Love'? You wound me, Daniel." Vlad placed a hand against his heart in emphasis. I rolled my eyes at his obvious act. Vlad sighed at my unamused gaze and gave in, "I'm here on business if you must know. I'm branching out to the world of fashion and I'm here to get myself associated with a famous fashion designer, Mr Agreste."  He explained with a monotone voice. My eyes widened slightly in surprise, I didn't expect the fruitloop to have an actual reason besides scheming against me. Though why Paris of all places? Aren't there other fashion designers back in America? I decided to ask the choleric idiot.

"Why specifically Paris?" 

"Badger, Paris is known throughout the world as the fashion capital. This city is full of boutiques and many well known fashion brands across the globe are French, majority of their headquarters are located here." The businessman explained to me and I made an 'O' with my mouth, I then understood why the fruitloop would fly here if he was going to start a business about fashion. "Now excuse me, young badger, I would like to get to the meeting with time to spare." He stated. I blinked and stuttered a reply in agreement, stepping aside to let him walk past and continue toward the direction he was going to. 

"That was weird-" I was cut short by the sound of the warning bell echoing down the street and I paled. "Oh shoot! I'm going to be late again!"


"Hey there, Danny! Glad to see you made it on time." Alya grinned whilst she waved towards me. I gave her a simple huff as I tried to catch my breath from sprinting all the way to school. I greeted Marinette with a wave, but when I went to approach my seat my foot suddenly hit against a surface that appeared out of nowhere and I tripped with my face meeting with the floor. Seriously? Two days in a row? I winced and heard the sound of laughter from a pair of voices I recognised. I lifted my head up to meet the snotty brat, Chloe, and her tacky-wearing  accomplice. I never caught Chloe's partner-in-crime's name. 

"Look, Sabrina! The new loser can hardly stand on his feet, he's as bad of a klutz as Marinette." Chloe exclaimed to her tacky friend. Well that answers one question. I got to my feet, about to make a snarky comment to the brats before a voice spoke up.

"Chloe that's not really nice, just leave the guy alone." 

To my surprise the blonde girl huffed and turned away sharply to focus towards the front. I turned around to see who spoke up for me and saw the same blonde haired guy from yesterday, I never did catch his name either. The teen sent me a charming smile and I felt awkward. 

"Er...thanks…?" I looked at him quizzically, expressing that I didn't know what to call him. The teen seemed surprised by my confusion, I wasn't sure why he would be. 

"You don't know who I am? I'm Adrian Agreste." He introduced himself. His name seemed familiar somehow, it took me some time to register his last name and it clicked. Vlad was meeting up with a famous fashion designer with the same name as Adrian's last name, making him-

"You're the son of that fashion designer guy." I blurted out. "Well thanks, Adrian." I said and gave him a smile in thanks. 

"It's no problem." He replied with a smile of his own. I then finally went to my spot and got seated, just as soon as the teacher entered the classroom and began our lesson.


The gates of the Agreste Mansion loomed in front of the man standing before it. It was quite the sight the man had to say, though he thought his gate back at his own mansion was more impressive than any millionaire could ever dream for. The well-tailored man walked over to what seemed to be the doorbell and pressed it, making his presence known to whomever lived in the mansion. The man was taken back when a camera appeared from an opening from the wall above the doorbell and a woman's voice spoke.

"What's your business here?" She questioned. The man adjusted his crimson tie before putting on a smile.

"I am Vladimir Masters, I'm here for the appointed meeting with Mr Agreste." He eyed the camera carefully as he spoke, as if trying to look through and see who lies behind it. A minute went by and the woman replied.

"Ah, yes. We've been expecting you Mr Masters." She says and the sound of something clicking was heard and Vladimir turned to the gate that had begun to open on it's own. "Please, come in." The voice said before the camera vanished behind the opening when it closed behind it. The businessman scoffed at the camera when it was gone.
"French people certainly like to go over the top with unnecessary widgets." He mumbled to himself and straightened his jacket before walking towards the mansion.

Vlad walked up the white tiled steps towards the front door and it opened for him, revealing a woman with red glasses and raven hair with highlights of red at the end. She bowed her head slightly in greeting. 

"Good morning, sir. You're early." She greeted him as he entered through the door. 

"I don't want to disappoint." Vlad stated and the woman nodded in understanding and led him to Mr Agreste's office. 

"Please wait a moment, I must speak to Mr Agreste first." The woman told him and the businessman nodded in understanding before the woman left into the room. Vlad grew impatient with every passing minute. Vlad's eyes darted around to see the white walls against the polished, white marble floors. It was a modern designed home, unlike his at Amity Park. His eyes drifted down at a potted plant and analysed the design of the pot that contained the plant, it was made out of stone and a singular pattern was engraved into the side of the pot that faced towards him, it seemed to look like a pair of wings that resembled a moth's. Vlad let a wicked grin spread across his face. This shall be a great opportunity…

Vlad's attention was turned back to the door when it opened. The woman excited the office and without a word gestured for the millionaire guest to enter. Vlad stepped into the room and the door was shut behind him. The room matched the colour-or in other words the lack of colour- theme of the mansion, with the pop of yellow of the painting on the wall at the end of the room, and a white suited man sat at his desk stationed in front of it. It was Mr Agreste himself. Agreste's expression was stern and in a permanent frown.

"Please, take a seat Mr Masters." Gabriel Agreste said in fluid English. The designer's eyes watched Vlad as he went to a seat on the couch in front of him. "Let's begin, so what do you offer to the table, Masters?" The designer furrowed his brow in doubt at the man. 

Vlad held in the urge to let out a devious chuckle and instead took out his phone and opened it up to a photo before showing it to the designer. When the other man laid his sights on the photo his face went into shock and dread. It was a photo of his underground facility beneath them, and what caused his stomach to boil was that the photo included his wife in her capsule. 

"Look familiar? Hawkmoth?" The Master of Akumas turned back towards the foreigner, gritting his teeth. 

"Who the hell are you, Masters?" 

"Someone who wants to help you achieve your goal." Vlad's eyes glowed a bright crimson and illuminated his tinted blue features. "In return help me overthrow the King of Phantoms, Daniel Fenton."

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