Chapter 3: Miss Blue-bells

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It's been two years since my first encounter with Master Fu and partnered with my Kwami, Tino. During those two years Master Fu helped me settle in his apartment and arrange for my adoption. I got the spare room that Fu was previously using as a storage room for his massage equipment, furnishings the room with a bed with blue sheets, a white pillow, a small, metal shelf filled with some textbooks, comics and a potted tulip, finally we placed a wooden desk by the sliding window with a matching wooden chair. This was my cozy room, it wasn't much but I made myself at home with Tino.

During my years living with Master Fu, Tino and Master's Kwami, Wayz, I studied to catch up with school here in Paris, since it was different to America's education system. I also formulated a plan with Tino a schedule for patrolling Paris under the blanket of darkness. I would transform into Surveillant and simply jump over rooftops and check for any suspicious or abnormal activity around the city, but everynight of patrol nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until the night before I would start my first day of school.

I was scouting the city on the tip of the Eiffel Tower, when a puff of smoke left my mouth and my eyes widened. A ghost? Here in Paris? Why now? My ghost sense hadn't been activated even once throughout my time here in France. I slid down from where I was perched and landed on the viewing platform, wipping my head around me to see if there were any ghosts I could spot around, only to seem that I was by myself and it was just a false alarm, considering Autumn was nearing Paris. I sighed, getting up on the railing and with one last glance behind me to see if I could see a figure, but with no sign of anyone there I left the tower and into the night.

In the present time it was the next day after that night and I was late on my first day. A typical Danny Fenton move that I should really stop doing if I wanted to survive school here in Paris with decent grades. My alarm went off thirty minutes before I finally woke up by Tino's deafening bat screech, making me fling myself out of bed and gather my textbooks and stuff them into my bag. I sloppily put on my clothes, pinning the bat Miraculous on my brown, leather jacket's collar, I quickly tied the laces of my red converses and slung my bag around my shoulder with Tino diving into one of it's pockets before dashing out of my room. I ran across the livingroom towards the front door.

"Danny, here's breakfast." Master Fu called out and I turned my head towards him, seeing his sitting by the kitchen counter with a bread roll and threw it at my direction, I caught it and send him a wave while I ran. "Have a good day!"

"Thanks!" I said before taking a bite out of the roll and opened the door to the flight of stairs going down the apartment building. I dashed through the crowds of people trying to get to school before the bell, but with my luck it rang before I got to the school building. At this point my legs were wobbily and I would stumble after taking a few steps, and so I stumbled my way up the stairs and to the top floor where my role call class was. Why did it have to be on the top floor? When I arrived in front of the door to my class I knocked and waited, it wasn't long when the teacher opened the door and her gaze fell on me. "S-Sorry I'm late miss." I said between pants. I expected her to yell at me or at least scold me for being late on my first day but to my surprise she gave me a warm smile.

"Don't apologise, please come in and introduce yourself. And if this makes you feel better the other new student is late as well." She said and stepped to the side for me to get throught the door. So someone else's late other than me? Well that's the first, since it was always just me being late to class back home. Home. That place isn't my home, not anymore. I have to forget that place, that old life is behind me. This is my home now. I came to the front of the room an I felt everyone's attention and gaze falling on me and I sighed, taking in a deep breath and held my head high to face my class. In the front desks I saw a blond girl in a yellow themed outfit sitting down to my left with a ginger haired girl beside her, and to my right a dark skinned boy with a hat on sat by himself on the fornt desk and the desk behind him had a raven-black haired girl with pig-tails, her eyes met with mine, blue-bell hues fell on my baby-blue ones, I quickly broke the connection and flushed in embarrassment. What was that all about?

The teacher came over to me and cleared her throat before gesturing her hands over to me to put the class's attention on me, despite them all already eyeing me with curiousity in their eyes.

"Class this is one of the new students that will be joining us." She explained and I prepared to introduce myself.

"Hi, my name's Danny Fenton. It's nice to meet you all." I said I recieved a scoff from the blond girl making me narrow my eyes at her. "Is there a problem?" I asked her with a dangerous tone. I'm going to guess she's the bully of the school. She looks posh too, must be in a rich family. She folded her arms and huffed.

"Of course there is! You're not the one I'm waiting for! You're just another loser adding up to the forever growing pile of losers in this class-no this school!" She exclaimed and I heard scowls from the other students, especially from the girl with pig-tails. I pushed away my anger but let sarcasm slip my lips.

"Well sorry to disappoint you, whoever you are." I replied back and her eyes widened in shock.

"Excuse me! I'm the daughter of the mayor so you should be kneeling before me!" She shouted in fury. I simply rolled my eyes and went to sit at the empty seat behind Ms Blue-bell, I decided to call her. I sat down and the girl beside Blue-bell turned around along with pig-tails to meet me.

"Hey there! I'm Aliah, I'm new here too." Aliah introduced herself.

"And I'm Marionette." Blue-bells said and I smiled. "Nice work showing Chloe that she's not everyone's boss." Marionette praised and I glanced over to the blonde who was huffing and complaining about 'us losers', I snorted at the sight and found it amusing, she was like a spoilt ten year old.

"Well I had to deal with people like her back in my old school, it-" I stopped myself. Why do I have to bring up the past again? "Nevermind." I gazed down at the desk, feeling Aliah and Marionette sending concerned looks but quickly masking it with a smile.

"Well we hope we could be friends." Marionette said and I nodded.

"Sure." I replied simply and they turned their attentions back to the front.

Later some drama happened when the third new student arrived. His hair was a silky blonde, eyes a piercing green and his features were soft but strong at the same time, he could be a model. I didn't pay further attention to the arguement between the spoilt brat and blue-bells. I drifted away into my thoughts.

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