Chapter 4 - Come Together

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I knew that we were on a mission. That, Horus and Isis told me. But the details were left out completely, so I was left to assume.

We had the prophecy, check. We were in Hogwarts with only the trio and Ginny knowing about our identities, check. And we were supposed to find an experiment of the Raptor. Lovely.

For all we knew, the experiment could be anyone. And Hogwarts had millions of students, so I couldn't just walk up to one and ask if he/she was seventy years old (and that's just an assumption. He/she may be much older). That was going to take too long and gather too much attention.

Which meant that I had to create a checklist and get close to everyone possible.

Sadie might tell you that I overthink too much, but believe me, overthinking has saved me from trouble several times. And this was going to be one of those times.

"Annabeth." I said as we settled down in the Gryffindor common room for homework. Well, Annabeth was supposed to be in charge of Ravenclaw, but after hearing some rumors about her (While we did clean up almost every evidence, the ministry incident), no one objected.

"What is it?" she asked. "And please, make it quick."

"That's the thing he stinks at the most." Sadie commented.

"Shut up." I said back.

"See? He always get sidetracked." Sadie said gleefully.

Is it just me, or does anyone with a younger sibling feel like spanking them once in a while?

But if I stopped for more refuting and rebuttal, Sadie would have something more for evidence. Not to mention, she could turn me into a chicken while I was asleep, and I really didn't want that. So I had to set that aside.

"Annabeth, how about creating a checklist of all the kids?"

"I was thinking of that too." Annabeth said. "I take Ravenclaw, Ron takes Gryffindor, Percy takes Hufflepuff, and Piper take Slytherin?"

"What about us?" I asked. 

"You help out Ron, Sadie help out Piper, Harry helps out Percy, and Hermione can help me out."

"Oh?" Hermione said, walking in, holding Ron's finger. Oh those lovebirds. 

"We were discussing that we should probably make a checklist of all the house members and sort them out." Annabeth said.

"Good." Hermione said. "So I help you out in Ravenclaw?"

"That would be nice." Annabeth said. "And Percy and Harry sort out the Hufflepuffs, and Sadie sorts out Slytherins with Piper and..."

She went on, and I got distracted, something I usually never do.

Was Zia doing well? I hoped that the Brooklyn house wasn't too chaotic for her. Speaking of which, I should probably send a shabti or something and have an indirect talk with her. Don't I still have my scrying bowl? Nope. I left it at the house. That was stupid.

"—and so that's the plan." Annabeth finished.

"Good." Hermione said. "We have something to look forward to. In the meantime, I should probably check on Madam Pince and see that she isn't razzing the kids too hard."

"You're worried about the kids and not the books? That'll be a first." Ron chuckled.

"Madam Pince can get annoying sometimes." Hermione explained. "Let's go."

"Yeah, me too. Gotta check that the Ravenclaws aren't up to no good. See you around, Carter." Annabeth said as she stepped out. "Being a cabin counselor was never this hard."

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