Chapter 10 - If I Told You That (I'm the Experiment)

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"Hey Angelica—" I started as I walked towards her, but she reacted in a way I didn't expect for a SHIELD agent.

"AAK!" she screamed in surprise. Then she turned around to see it was only me. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I was just...whoa, you're learning the Obliviating spell already?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm done with fifth year stuff so..."

"You're already done with it?" I asked in disbelief. But then, we had a better DADA teacher now. Back then, with Umbridge... I shuddered. No wonder why I hated to study, even being me. 

"Yep. It's way easier than getting into SHIELD." Angelica whispered.

"I can't even imagine..." I said. With a start, I realized that I wasn't the only one with a crazy life story to tell. Angelica was practically an orphan, what with her mother and her dad (Angelica considered her non-biological mortal father, Philip Schuyler, more of the dad than the god.) dying in a fire, and the god father (okay. This was simply getting confusing. I meant the biological god father. Wow. That sounded paradoxical) not being the most attentive father, not to mention her not even having a place to stay like Harry did with the Dursley family.

Sure, she could have stayed in Camp Half-Blood, but what I heard from Annabeth, Angelica's sisters and the god didn't exactly get along well. So she got out of there and got a place in upstate by joining SHIELD. I wondered, even though I was the helper of the savior of the wizarding world and all that paraphernalia, if I could be like that.

"Oh, it's not as bad as you'd think." Angelica said, closing her textbook. "Getting into SHIELD wasn't as hard as they say. The problem was sitting still in the conferences. As you know, I'm a demigod." she took out a huge water bottle out of her suitcase, which was sitting next to her feet. And beneath the suitcase lid, I could see a pink piece of a clothing.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked, pointing to it.

"Tell me that you didn't see that." Angelica let out a groan as she hastily closed the lid.

"You have a pink dress?" I asked. Angelica sighed.

"Yes. If you say anything about that..." Angelica raised her wand at my face. "I will make sure you're the first person for me to practice my new favorite spell, Obliviate."

"You can turn someone crazy, so why not that?" I asked, joking.

"Eh. Dionysus complains that he gets too much paperwork to fill out if I do that." Angelica said. I was almost struck at how she said her biological father's name. It was like someone in Hogwarts would say the name of Umbridge.

"You can also brew all sorts of poisons and make grape wines grow at an amazing speed, yes?" I asked.

"Yep. But that doesn't mean I'll join the Avengers." Angelica said jokingly. "Or my sisters would realize right away that I was getting into a lot of trouble." she sighed. "And they would want to join too."

"I never had a sibling, but then, Ron has a bunch. Maybe you should go talk to him and have a chat about having siblings." I said, smiling.

"Perhaps. But only if I manage to master the spells in this book today. Carter, Piper, Annabeth, and you are my rivals, and I'm going to do everything to beat you guys." Angelica smiled maliciously. "So beware."

I decided to let her go back to studying the spells. And although I noticed that there was one more thing in her suitcase, which was probably more dangerous than a pink dress, I decided not to question her about it.

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