Chapter 11 - Remember Me?

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"Hey Zia?" I asked as I 'IM'ed her in a bathroom stall (Annabeth gave us a handful of drachmas to use, since lugging a scrying bowl here was too much of a risk and all).

"Hey Carter. How's everything going?" Zia asked.

I took a deep breath to stop myself from going crazy. The incident managed to get covered up, making Tintin just a random mortal who happened to end up in the castle for some reason, but other than that, we failed big time because of a muggle (my goodness, I stayed here for too long) with a helicopter. Sure, they had the locations to the demigods' and Hermione's parents, and they were able to threaten them with it, but still. I felt like an absolute nimrod.

"We had a... friend." I said. "A daughter of Dionysus. She was on a mission that was coincidentally similar to ours. We needed to find the experiment. She did too. But the only difference was that we needed to convince him, help him out. She had to take him to her headquarters."

"I can expect it didn't go well." Zia said. On the other side, she was trying to chase a couple ankle-biters and stop them from throwing Lego blocks in the air. I could faintly hear Julian scream, probably because he stepped on a Lego.

"Exactly." I said. "And now I'm talking to you because I need counseling. Sorry. You've got enough on your hands already."

"Not as much as you do." Zia said, smiling. "All I have to do is to stop ankle biters from having too much sugar, and help kids train without blowing too much things." 

I would have smiled back, if there wasn't some black thing launched towards the back of her head in a high velocity (Sadie says that that is 'yeeting', whatever that means). 

"Behind you!" I shouted. "Incoming!"

Zia ducked as she sighed. It was a...flying penguin?

"Felix!" Zia exclaimed. "What did Cleo tell you? No flying penguins! We're not sure if they even like flying!"

"I like flying! Everyone likes flying!" Felix refuted.

"Well, I think I gotta sort some situations out." Zia muttered into the IM. "But it seems that you lost the experiment to an agency, so here's the advice. You guys don't have magic portals for nothing. And I am supposing that SHIELD doesn't have much information on you, especially considering that most of the time, you are off the map."

"Thanks." I said, and the IM ended. I sighed.

"Hey Carter, someone's coming in the bathroom." Ron whispered from outside the stall. He was standing guard, and he seemed a bit too much excited by this spy gig. 

"I'm done." I said as I opened the stall door and walked out.

Time to consult the SHIELD expert here. I wasn't optimistic about his knowledge of SHIELD. He had only a handful of encounters with Fury, but still, that was a handful more than any of us ever had.

. . .

"So... SHIELD agents go around in Audi?" I asked.

"Yeah. But chances are that they won't be carrying the experiment in a random sedan. They'll be carrying him in a camouflaged plane thingy." Peter said.

"Then let's go get him!" Zeke, Darian, and Sadie exclaimed at the same time. Baylee looked up from her book (if I was remembering correctly, she never read books. At least, not in English) and looked at the enthusiastic bunch. She used to be a part of that enthusiastic bunch.

"You can open a portal right into a plane? Because if you can't, then we would fall off of it and die." Baylee said. Well, someone's pessimistic.

"I, or at least, Isis probably can. She has a lot at stake. If I fall off and die, Isis would have to search for another host, and I don't think she would like to be homeless." Sadie said.

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