Chapter 9 - Snapping

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(A/N: Because I didn't get a clear vote on whether Hamliza or Lams, I will keep it neutral. But anyway, here it is.)

Agent Laurens

"Conference at the place in two hundred and forty seconds." Agent Lafayette informed me as he linked his arm with Agent Mulligan. "Oh, and nice turtle hair tie."

"Thanks." I said, half-consciously patting my turtle hair tie. "What's the news?" I asked.

"I dunno." Agent Lafayette said in his usual French accent. "But Molly here says—"

"Don't call me Molly, Marie." Mulligan said, playfully pinching Agent Lafayette's cheek. I pinched the bridge of my nose. Dear me. Couples.

"Ugh. It's a wonder how those airheads actually became SHIELD agents." Agent Jefferson sneered as he passed us. He was wearing his signature purple jacket. His "friend" Agent Madison was tailing him like a busy secretary, holding a bundle of paperwork. Agent Madison was so focused in agreeing and nodding at whatever Jefferson was saying that he nearly bumped into a random cubicle.

"Ignore them, darling." Agent Marquis de Lafayette (or how we called him, Marie) said, moving closer to Agent Hercules Mulligan (or how we called him, Molly). I shuddered inwardly. Ever since the two got together, they were nightmares, calling each other cute names. Please.

"Yeah. For once, I'm agreeing with Lafayette." Agent Burr said, walking out of an elevator. "Wait for it."

"Yeah. I'm going to wait for the perfect time to punch him in the nose." Molly said, but he already seemed happy anyway, probably because Marie called him 'darling.' Give me a break.

"I suggest you hurry up, agents." Agent Hill said, so we started dashing to the conference place.

When we arrived there, all the agents were there, and there was also a new face. He was wearing a dark green suit, and had longish dark hair. He looked to be about Sky's age, which was strange. Why was SHIELD suddenly accepting young agents? 

"The reason I called you all here, you may have guessed, is because we need to discuss what to do with the Experiment once agent Schuyler finds him/her." Fury said. (A/N: I didn't watch the Agents of SHIELD. So the facts will be wrong. But anyway, can someone give me a basic rundown on how the things are like in SHIELD?)

"Bring him in." Jefferson said. Madison nodded strongly.

"That is the obvious part." Fury said. "The problem is what to do after that."

"Lock him up for the rest of his life." Jefferson offered. I rolled my eyes. The guy had the tendency to never think of other people's well-being, which made him a bit of a psychopath and a sociopath. 

"That's not a bad idea," Fury said, "except that the Experiment is immortal. Do you have a less direct way to say that you didn't do your research, Agent Jefferson?"

I almost snorted, and Marie even cracked a smirk, although after seeing Fury stink-eye us, we stopped.

"How about finding a cure? Since he/she/they're immortal, it's not like we don't have enough time." the new agent said. Jefferson was already glaring at him, and so was Madison, probably because Jefferson was.

"Where do we get the money, Agent Hamilton?" Fury questioned. Okay. So that guy was Hamilton. 

"I did a research on the US treasury and—" the new agent, Hamilton started, pulling out an even bigger bundle of paper than Madison (who was sulking at the fact that Hamilton had a thicker bundle), but Fury stopped him.

"Put that as plan Z." Fury said. "Anything else?"

"Run experiments on him." Jefferson suggested (he already seemed to leave out the possibility of the experiment being a woman, or non-binary, for that matter). "If the aliens had done the experiment almost a century ago, he's not even supposed to be alive. So no problem with the paperwork. Schuyler gets him, we take him over here, and do experiments forever. Easy."

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