Chapter 12 - On My Way

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"It's going to be cold and very windy in there. So no, we can't ride brooms." I noted. "Take it from someone who had to ride a bronze dragon way up high.

"Thank goodness." Percy breathed.

"But we're going to ride an airplane." Annabeth said.

"Can I just stand and guard the prisoners or something?" Percy whined. 

"There's nothing to guard." Annabeth reported. "According to Angelica, she took care of two guys who were getting annoying." 


"Jefferson is nuts, and Madison is tangled in vines." Annabeth said. "Maybe you can stay here, and make sure no student and staff questions stuff. You too, Baylee."

"Uncle Zeus is a d—" Baylee pouted.

"Watch it." Zeke said. "He is my dad."

"He killed a lot of people." Darian said. "That's how come my dad is complaining about the people who come to the underworld because they were randomly struck with lightning. Chance a three thousand, and yet, so many people are dead because of it. And then there's this one guy in South Carolina who was struck by lightning eleven times and still lived, thus making my dad have to check eleven times if he was dead or not."

"Um... I am not proud of him." Zeke said.

"Anyway, so yeah, Percy, and Baylee, we'll contact you guys with Iris messages if we need any long-distance hep. In the meanwhile, Sadie, how's it going?"

"Isis... Get your butt over here." Sadie was hunched over in the table, her posture reminding me of how Basil Hallward was on the table after he was murdered by Dorian Gray (I immersed myself in books after all that happened. Most took my mind off things, but that book was just too painful).

"Okay. So she's not coming. This puts some problems in our plan." Annabeth checked her watch.

"Wait! I think I got it!" Sadie shrieked as she turned into a woman with fancy Egyptian decors.

"That was loud..." Carter noticed, and took a sharp breath.

"Carter, what's wrong?"

"It's not Carter, mortals." Carter suddenly turned into a bald guy with silver and gold eyes. He was ripped, and he was...

"Horus? Okay Things are getting weird now." Peter muttered. "And how come he sounds exactly like Uncle Thor?"

"Do not compare me to that smelly Norse—"

"Never mind. He sounds more like Uncle Loki." (A/N: Okay. They never met, but let's just say that they did. If you want, I'll bring him back alive too.) Peter muttered. Horus snarled and grabbed the front of Peter's shirt, getting face-to-face with him.

"Another word of your puny mouth and—"

He changed back into Carter.

"Man, sorry about that. Horus was so tempted to show himself, I couldn't rein him in on time."

"Okay. Enough with the chitchat. Are we going, or not?" I asked, just as Hermione and Annabeth did.

"Wow. Now there's three of you. That is scary." Ron said.

"No kidding." Percy agreed. "But anyway, so... do you think you guys can handle it without me?"

"Don't worry, Percy. We'll be alright. I hope." Annabeth kissed him, and my mind was split into two; one being depressed thinking about Jason, and the other being a raving shipping Aphrodite airhead.

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