the one that broke my heart chapter 24

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Lena p.o.v (btw photos are form gogle I picked what I think Teana looked like sorry I will have photos of Jason and the outhers up soon as posable o.o :3) on side or if if Ipod or moble uptop also you might have to look up the song it is skyler gray invisible

oh hello Jason how are you and why are you crying well I got in a fight with my boyfrind well boyfrinds I found out that Merkey still like me I gess I coulding make A chose and my real boyfrind Nathing got varry angry and pesesive over Me and know i don't know who to be my feraer boy friend so he made Me pick and I coudn't do it. Do you mind if I live with you for awhile sure Jason i do owe your mouther a faver so I gess you can live here for a week or so but why do you still like Merkey he made you fell like shit ever day of your life well if you love some one you fegive thame for what thay did to you like what Natal did tryed to get with Nathing she made me fell like shit but I fergave her right beefor she died It make me fell bad to know that I don't know who I love becase she died becase of me it makes me fell bad ever time I think about it but I know that I have to pick one. Well who did you love first or the most but if you love taham equally but I have to pick one of tham to be with but I don't know who I sould pick I need you Lena Jason says to me Iam here for you Jason Iam here for you why don't we go for a drive is that ok with you Jason sure I gess it is get your jackit and lets go and we can stop and get some cofie if you would like Jason ok lets do that and just so you know if i see someone I know ware leveing got it yes i do well lets get it over with than we drive a hafe hour to the cafea and we stop for a cofie and a crasotnt so who did you say you habve to pick for againe well thare is Markey and Nathing and well i don't know who i want to love it hard to pick becase I love tham both and it like I fell like shit when ware away form echuther and it like thay dont care who or how I fell it like thay whant me to pick who is the most inportined to me but thay both are and know I have to deside who I love and know that Iam all most 18 I whant to have the one and only and Iam starting to think that thay are not it becase thay found out and started to fight over me I dont mind ait but I don't whant that to be how it is he rest of the days in high school I whant thame to be peacefull but thay aren't and thay will'nt be in till I pick who I love Lena. Well I think you dont need anyone and if you did you sould not pick the one that make you fell bad or like shit but that is what I think and it is not a fact but i whant you to know that I will all was be here for you like Natal was just rember that what ever hapens or has hapend so tell me do you rilly love one of tham or is It something difrint well I love Merkey Becase he finlly made his mind up that sports are not as good as being nice to me he seames more happy know that iam with him thare is your anser know Jason. see was it so hard to do? no not at all I see him smile can you drive me to your house I have to go see him right know plse hurry know we drive a hafe hour back to her house see ya later Lena see ya Jason she calls back to jason.

Jasons p.o.v

I drive the two hour trip to get to Merkeys house I ring the door bell Merkey answer the door I know who I need I see Nathing in the reclinger he walks over to me and says i know you would come back to me and not him what you didnt let me finish what i was saying I pick Merkey Iam sorry Nathing but he has came a long way sance I first was in love with him and i finaly see that know thank to a old friend of my Mom's her name is Lena btw so don't be mad at me Nathing be mad at her know I need to move out of your house Nathing Iam so sorry don't be he smiles I know you would pick him I was the one that helped him he whanted you back he told me so so I helped him It hurt me a lot but to see you smile biger than whan your Mom said she was sorry so I think it all werth it in the end of it all so I will see you guys at school see you both latter he walks away so you whanted me back Merkey ya he helped me Iam sorry Jason I see him start to cry dont worry I will be here for you foraver dont ferget that know babe let's go to bed know Ill sleep on the couch no you will sleep with me on my bed Jason Merkey said to me know lets go We sleep till 7am i wake up befor hime so I can make him brekfist I make three cups of cofia one for me and him and his sister she has A vary inportint test today so Iam helping him and her out ever thing has been good this week we saw my family in New York and we have gone on 2 dates this week. (btw this book may and may not be done yet I do not know I hope you like this chapter <3 gleekman97 smile all the time pepole and haveing hope :3

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