Rocky imagine for Rena

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'Why do you always think I'm cheating on you?' You texted your boyfriend Michael.

You threw your phone on the couch beside you. Michael has been accusing you of cheating on him with your best friend Rocky for about 3 weeks now. You were getting tired of it and most of the time that you spent with Rocky, Michael was with you! So how could he think your cheating?

Your phone buzzed. 'Because you two are with eachother 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!'

You rolled your eyes at his text. You didnt want to deal with this anymore. You couldn't handle the fact that you had to deal with all the yelling everyday when he was here. And when Michael wasnt here he'd blow up your phone nonstop.

You called Rocky because you needed someone to talk to. The phone rang until there was a sleepy Rocky on the other line. "R...Rena? It's 8 in the morning."

"Im sorry Rocky, I didnt know you were asleep. I'll go now...."

Rocky could tell you were upset. "No, Rena I'll be there in a few." And with that you two hung up.

You kinda felt guilty that you brought Rocky into all of this. Your phone buzzed again.

It was a text from Michael, 'Why ya ignoring me?? Are ya with your lover?'

You just turned off your phone that way you couldn't see them. A few minutes later there was a knock on your door. You walked over to open it to see Rocky in a tshirt, sweat pants, and a beanie. The first thing you did was let out a few tears and pull him into a hug.

He sighed, "Michael?" You nodded your head and continued to cry in his chest. He picked you up and carried you to your couch so you could sit down and explain.

You showed him all of the messages and he just kept shaking his head as he pulled you back into a hug. "Listen Rena, you dont deserve this at all. He is just a jerk and he's gonna keep doing this to you and he wont stop. Not only is this hurting you, but its hurting me too. I cant stand to see you cry everyday because of what this stupid jerk does next. You deserve someone better. Please just break up with him." You looked up at him.

"How am I suppose to do that? It will start another argument and...."

"I won't let anything happen to you, im right here." You nodded your head as you grabbed your phone. You texted Michael saying he had to come over.

A few minutes later Michael came walking into the door. He stopped when he saw Rocky then mumbled, "Of coarse he's here."

Rocky looked over at you and nodded. "Michael, we need to talk.....I dont think we should be together anymore." You said looking down on the ground.

"What!? Oh so you finally decided to do what lover boy here says, huh? What are you two going to be boyfriend and girlfriend? After all we've been through? No, let me tell you something." he said walking towards you in a scary way.

You didnt know what he was going to do. Just before he reached you, Rocky pulled him back and pinned him to the wall by the collar of his shirt. "No, let me tell YOU something." he began with anger in his tone. "She has given you everything and all you do is treat her like crap! Every time you fight with her then storm off, this poor girl is here crying her eyes out! She never cheated on you and I wouldnt blame her if she did because of how you treat her! She's beautiful, smart, talented, funny, and one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. If she says its over then its OVER! She deserves someone better than you anyway. Now it would be best if you leave, unless you want things to get ugly and trust me, that wont end up good for you." He said releasing his grip and Michael ran out the door.

You looked over at Rocky remembering all the things he just said about you.



"Did you mean all those things you said?"

He looked at you and smiled. "Of course I did Rena. I meant every word of it. You are one of the best people out there and I dont want you be with someone who doesnt see that. I-I love you Rena."

You were shocked. Rocky LOVED you. You finally realized that the one for you was Rocky. It always had been. "I love you too Rocky." You said hugging him tightly. You reached up and kissed him. After being with Rocky, you had forgotten all about Michael and you couldn't be any happier.

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