Riker imagine for Wren

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Author's note: you never told me what type of imagine you wanted so I decided to make one like this. There is drama and the beginning is kind of heart breaking. Well it was for me, I hope you like it.

You were dating Riker Lynch for 4 years now and today you decided to visit Riker at rehearsals today with some great news. He was on a new show that premiered on AMC. You clutched your purse that held something in it that declared your future. You walked into the video shoot looking all around for Riker, but you couldn't find him anywhere. You saw one of his costars so you asked him if he has seen Riker.

"Awe, I think he is in his dressing room which is down the hall, to the left."

You thanked him before heading down the hallway. You came to his door and you waited for a minute to think about how you would tell him the great news. You finally figured it out and smiled as you opened the door, but you smile instantly dropped when you saw what was in front of you. Riker was practically sucking faces with his love interest on the show. You felt your heart shatter into millions of pieces. Riker saw you and immediately pulled back, stuttering over his words. Before he could say anything, you pulled out the little plastic bag out of your purse and threw it onto the floor before running out as fast as you could. Inside of it, contained a positive pregnancy test.

Riker tried running after you, but you were no where in sight. He slowly walked back into his room and picked up the plastic bag. He lifted it up and saw the positive sign. He slid down the wall and put his head in his hands before bawling his eyes out.

That was six years ago and now you had your beautiful five year old daughter. You never got with anyone since Riker, you didn't need to, Araya was all you need. Since she brought all the brightness back into your life, you named her Araya Sunshine (y/l/n). You and her did everything together and no one could separate you. Today you and her were at the mall doing your daily shopping routine. You had shopped at a few of the shops there and got you both a lot of things and you were now at the food court. You took a bite of your chicken as you looked around the room. Your eyes immediately stopped on a specific person, well a group of people. The Lynchs had just walked through the doors and you didn't expect to see them ever again. Another thing that you didn't expect, Riker's eyes landed on yours. You widened your eyes and quickly looked away.

"Araya, baby we have to go." You said packing your things up.

"But mommy, I just got my fries into a tower." She whined.

"Well, we can take this home and you can build it into a tower there, okay baby?"

She agreed and you hurried up to get out of your seat. Riker tried his way to get over to you, but it was hard since there was a big crowd of people. So, you easily got away. You decided to exit the mall through the front entrance so you didn't have a risk at seeing Riker again. You were halfway there when Araya started squirming.

"Mommy, I have to go potty."

You sighed, but made your way to the bathroom. You waited by the sinks until she was done. You turned around and bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry." You looked up and widened your eyes again, "Rydel."

She looked up too, "Wren. Umm, how has it been?"

"Uhh good I guess." Araya then got out of the stall and you helped her wash her hands.

"Is that......" Rydel began, but I nodded before she could finish. We made our way out the girls bathroom before she stopped us. "Wren wait, I miss you and I know what my brother did was stupid, but that doesn't mean shut me out too. Do you think that maybe you could come to our show here later and we could at least hang out?"

I thought awhile before responding, "Sure...yea I guess your right. Plus Araya doesn't need to be taken out of your life because of what someone else did."

She smiled, "Great, see you tonight."

I smiled back, "See ya."

We walked out the bathroom and Araya looked at me, "Mommy who was that?"

"That.....was a very good friend of mommy's."

Later on that night, me and Araya went to the concert. I did my best to avoid eye contact with Riker, but since Araya was too small to see, we had to be in the front. They were singing Heart Made Up On You when suddenly, mine and Riker's eyes met. He looked like he was about to break down.

"Guys, wait. Stop the music." Everyone stopped and it was quiet. Riker looked at me, "Wren, I'm sorry for what happened six years ago. We were rehearsing and it was a kissing scene and she took advantage of that, I promise that's all it was. I was going to pull away, but that's when you walked in. I would never do that to you baby, I loved you those four years we've been together and I loved you those six years we've been apart. I want you back in my life Wren, I love you." Riker was saying this all on stage and with each word he said, he kept getting closer and closer to breaking down, which made me start slowly crying.

Out of nowhere, Araya's voice filled the room, "Mommy, why are you crying? Don't cry mommy."

Everyone on stage lightly chuckled, along with Riker, "Yea mommy, don't cry. Wren, just to show you how it's been without you, I dedicated a song to you."

After he said that, music started playing and he started singing the lyrics to Here Without You by Three Doors Down. As the song went on, more tears fell down my face. After the song was over, everyone left the stage and I went over there to meet them. I saw Riker and immediately hugged him tightly, tears still falling down my face.

"I'm sorry," I cried, "I should've heard your side, I shouldn't have just assumed things. Because of me, our baby girl grew up without a fa......"

Riker interrupted me by kissing my lips with full on passion. "It's not your fault. You saw what happened and I would have thought the same thing. Don't blame all of this on you. I should have told you about the scene." He looked over at Rydel who was now talking to Araya while Ross goofed off with her.

I looked at Riker and smiled, "Would you like to meet her?"

Riker looked at me with hope in his eyes, "Can I?"

I smiled wider as I walked over to Araya and picked her up, carrying her to Riker. "Riker, this is Araya Sunshine. Araya, this is your daddy."

Her little eyes widened, "Daddy?"

Riker smiled as his eyes started to swell with tears. I handed her to him as his smile grew wide, "Hi baby girl."

I looked at him and couldn't help but smile. I loved them both and I'm glad that we all could be together as the perfect family.

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