The Transfer

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I open my sock drawer, reaching into it I shift the piles of socks till my hands touch my binder. I pull it out and put it on top of the pile of clothes in my hands. I head to the bathroom.

Now that we live in the dorms it is too much of a risk to change in my room. Once I was taking my shirt off when Mina barged in. I quickly pulled it down but it was a close call.

I finnish changing and open the bathroom door to see Mina, Bakugou, and Kirishima all in my room. Mina is siting on the ground, a smirk on her lips as she looks at Bakugou who is sitting on my bed with Kirishima laying his head down on Bakugou's lap.

"I am just saying that if," Kirishima stops waving his hands as he is interrupted by Mina's giggles. "What?!? Am I wrong!?" He shouts back.

He turns his attention to Bakugou, "You understand right?"

Bakugou try's not to show how he finds Kirishima is cute but and fails as he replies, "Whatever idiot."

"Hey what are we talking about?" I ask as I walk out of the bathroom and sit down on my desk chair.

"Denki, how can you not tell? Kirishima is going on about this random movie, nothing big."

"Nothing big! Nothing big! I will tell you what, you-"

I zone out and think about telling them. To stand up and say proudly "I'm trans!" But I know that would never happen, my dad made sure of that.

I sit silently waiting for someone to start yelling at me but no one does. We pull into the drive way and I quickly rush inside so I am not in the rain too long. I step inside and turn around to face my father when I am thrown to the ground. Pain explodes in my cheek. I look up and my father in fear.

"You are a girl, you hear me! A girl!" He shouts at me.

I stand up, "Dad I am not a girl." Tears sting my eyes. I am on the floor again this time with blood seeping from the cut he made with his ring. A kick comes and another followed after it. Pain engulfs my body.

"What's going on?" Meg, my 6 year old sister, asks holding 2 year old Benjamin.

I wince as I sit up, "I think Ben Bug needs his dipper changed. Why don't you go to his room and stay there till mommy comes to get you?"

She nods with fear in her eyes and turns to walk away.

"Go and get packed, since you are no longer my daughter I don't want you in my house." He says anger seeping into his voice as he sits down.

I stand up through the pain and go upstairs. I enter my room and quickly throw together a bag then walk into the bathroom. The face that greets me is terrifying. I grab a cloth to cover my bleeding eye. I walk out of my room and down the stairs. I take one last look at my mom and dad then step outside of the house.

"Denki? Denki! Are you even listening? I said that we are getting a new kid today!" Mina's voice draws me back from the memory.

"Then what are we waiting in my room for? Lets go to school to meet this kid!" I reply enthusiastically.

"Everyone, class is starting get to your seats." Mr. Ayzawa says monotone. "Today we are getting a new student, everyone give a warm welcome to Hitoshi Shinso."

The class goes silent as Shinso enter, no one daring to let him use his quirk on them.

A weird sensation runs through me, I stand up.

"Welcome to Class 1A Shinso!"

Everyone's eyes dart towards me. "Sit down Denki Kaminari. Shinso your seat it right next to him." Mr. Ayzawa states, "Now let's begin class."

Shinso walks down the row and sits next to me, I turn to him, opening my mouth to say something.

"No." I look at him in confusion. "I am not here to make friends so turn around and leave me alone." He states it ever so calmly never taking his eyes off the board.

I turn around with a frown on my lips. Everyone needs at least one friend. An idea pops in my head. Maybe I can become his one friend.

I look at him with a smile on my lips. I will become Hitoshi Shinso friend.

Thank you so much for reading!
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This is my first fanfic so I hope it turns out good, also I am BAD at spelling and grammar so if you see a mistake please comment and I will try to fix it.

Thank you!


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