Leaving the Closet

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Warning: Transphobia

It's halfway through the second day I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. I shift my position on the couch and grab my phone.


"Daikia, is that you?!" I feel the blood drain from my face.

"How did you get my number?"

Laughter comes through the phone. "Daikia that's unimportant. We have something super important to talk about."

I shift on the couch and Shinso looks up at me. We make eye contact and he immediately comes over to me.

"Denki what is it? What's wrong?" He rubs my arms.

"Hellooooo? Do you even what to hear what I have to say?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. What is it?"

Shinso stops rubbing my arms. "Denki? Who's on the line? Denki?"

I pull away from him and lift up a hand to signal I need a second.

"So I did so research and you won't believe what I found. No one under the name of Daikia goes to UA so I looked up the name your little friend called you and it popped up your picture. Isn't that interesting?"

I feel my hands beginning to shake and and reach for Shinso's hand and he takes it.

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"Well after looking a little deeper I saw that they also had you listed as a male and last time I checked you are a female. So I decided to call someone and check this out and they said you were a guy. Well that was until I told them the truth."

I feel my heart drop. "You told someone." It barely comes out above a whisper.

"Denki, who told someone? Is it about you being trans? Denki answer me!"

"That was all I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to hear from me that I shared your secret not someone else."

I feel anger bubble inside me. "You told someone! That was my secret to share not yours! Not yours!" Tears sting my eyes and slowly fall. "Mine. Not. Yours..."

"Anyways I have to go bye!" She hangs up.

Tears stream down my cheeks and soon I am sobbing. I grab Shinso and hug him tightly. I bury my head into his chest and another sob over takes me.

"Denki it's going to be okay. Shh. It's will all be okay."

Tears continue to flow. "You don't know that!"

He rubs my back, "I do know that because no mater what I will stick by your side. I will be with you."

I hug him tighter. "Shinso I'm scared."

"I know Denki, I know. I promise you everything will be okay."


After awhile I finally calmed down enough to explain what happened although he already had an idea. Now we were laying down on the couch hugging each other. No one broke the silence we just enjoyed each other. I was almost asleep when I heard the door start to unlock.

I bolted into a sitting position. I felt my heart and breathing quicken.

"Denki, shhh, Denki it's okay." Shinso sat up and started rubbing my back.

I heard the door click and it swung open. I hugged tightly onto Shinso.

"Denki?" Kirisima called out questionably.

"We're over here!" Shinso called to them. I hit him on the back of his head and hugged him even tighter.

A group of footsteps sounded as they approached. Shinso pealed me off of him and took my hand instead. He began to make slow circles with his thumb on the back of my hand. Suddenly everyone in our class stood in front of the couch, in front of us.

"Denki someone started a rumor about you. It got around to everyone." I felt a shiver run through me and Shinso gave my hand a quick squeeze to let me know he was there. "They said that you were, well, that you were trans. Is it true?"

I feel my breathing quicken as it feels like there was no more air in the world. I started burning up to the point I was tempted to take my shirt off.

"Denki. They asked you a question." Shinso's calming voice comes through.

I take a deep breath. "I k-know that. Y..y-yes. I am t..trans."

For a moment everyone is silent but only for a moment. Everyone brakes out asking different questions or shouting.

"What's your real name?!?"

"What does it mean to be trans?"

"My mom said trans people hurt people for fun!"

I can't breathe again and feel like I am going to pass out. I should have just acted like a girl and everything would be fine.

"SHUT UP!!!" Everyone stops talking and stares at Shinso. "Denki is going through a lot. He went from no one knowing he was trans to everyone at school knowing he's trans. Give him some space! This is the same Denki, nothing has changed!"

Once again it is silent. I feel so trapped. I want to run away and never come back. Shinso starts to rub the back of my hand again. I won't run away. Shinso is here. He will stay by me. Everything will be fine.

"Denki." Kirisma speaks up, "Can I ask you a question?"

I force a smile and nod my head.

"What's your real name?"

It feels like a punch in my gut. 'Real name.'
"My real name is Denki but the name I was given at birth is Daikia."

"Right sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

Mina steps forward, "What does it mean to be trans?"

"Mina you idiot!" Bakugou hits her on the back of the head. She winces and steps forward even more.

"No it's a good question. It means someone feel like they were born into the wrong gender. For me it means I was born a girl but I identify as a male."

"What was the worst reaction to you coming out." Todoroki calls out.

I sit up straighter as a shiver runs through me.

"Todoroki! You can't just ask that!" Midoria yelps.

He seems unfazed, "What? I was curious."

Shinso grabs my arm and I look at him. "You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to."

I nod my head but my hand still rises to my eye where my scar is. It's the only scar that can't be covered up.

"I don't think I can share that. I promise I will answer more questions later but I just want to go to sleep. It's my first day back in school tomorrow. Good night."

I stand up and pull Shinso up with me and head to the stairs.

Thank you for reading!
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I am BAD at spellling and grammar so if you see a mistake please comment and I will try to fix it.

Any of your art you want featured at the beginning of a chapter? Please contact me.

That was long. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!


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