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3.18K!!! And new follower!!!

Warning: Transphobia

Denki POV:

Hitoshi falls to the floor and I quickly catch him. I didn't mean to use that much power, I meant to show him I could hold my own but now he is unconscious in my arms. I lower him onto the floor laying his head in my lap.

Slow clapping sounds from behind me and I turn my head.

"I didn't know you had that in you but now that he's, well," he gestures towards him and I cling tighter onto Hitoshi. I am so dumb. I really need to get better at using my quirk.

He clears his throat, "It will make this much easier."

"Wha-" suddenly a hand covers my mouth and I try to scream but it comes out muffled. A girl walks around and binds my wrist with rope behind my back as the guy who covered my mouth with his hand slips a rag into it.

The guy who has talked the whole time laughs at my panic. "Calm down we are only kidnapping you." He laughs some more.

"-uck y-u!" I scream in the rag causing only some of the syllables to be heard.

He laughs harder as the guy who tied the rag in my mouth lifts me over his shoulder. I try to kick and hit him but with my arms and legs bound I can't do anything. I can't use my quirk because if I do I'll dunce out and against the three of them I have no hope.

They exit out the back door and throw me into the trunk of the car. Fuck.


After about ten minutes I finally am able to pull my phone from my back pocket. I lift up my legs and pull my arms in front of me. I open my phone and go to messages:

(how it's saved on Shinso phone)
He lp

💜Cutest Boyfriend Ever💜:
Denki what the hell! You can't just use your quirk on me then run off! The Bakusquad found me on the floor out cold! Where the hell are you so I can beat you up!?!

i nnne d h elp

💜Cutest Boyfriend Ever💜:
Denki where are you? Also what's up with your typing?

ca r tr u nk hep

💜Cutest Boyfriend Ever💜:
Denki what do you mean?

💜Cutest Boyfriend Ever💜:
Where are you?

💜Cutest Boyfriend Ever💜:
Are you okay?

💜Cutest Boyfriend Ever💜:
Denki reply!

Pl ese h elp

My phone starts buzzing lightly and I silently thank myself for putting it on vibrate before we went to the diner. I answer. (It's ft btw)

Shinso lovely face pops up full of worry. All I see on my screen is black with my outline an even darker black.

"Denki! Where are you?" He calls out. I turn my head fearful that they heard but the engine seems to drown it out.

"Fucking Pickacu!!! Where the hell are you!!! Answer us!" Bakugou yells.

"What was that?" Come a muffled voice from the girl. I turn the volume lower.

"H-l-p!" My muffled voice comes through.

"Denki we can't hear you! Try again!" Shinso shouts fear in his eyes.

"HELP!" The words come through less muffled.

The car pulls to a stop and I quickly lower the volume to zero. I pull up my legs, swinging my arms behind me then stuff my phone in my pocket. The trunk swings open but it's not the same people who brought me here opening it.

It's shigaraki.

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