The Kiss

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I wake up recharged and carefully climb over Shinso so I don't wake him. I walk to my dresser and open my top drawer. I shift my hand around trying to find my binder. My hand doesn't touch it so I stand on my tippy toes to see and make much more dramatic movements. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Shinso.

"What are you doing?" He asks rubbing his eyes.

I go back to shifting through the drawer. "I'm just trying to find my binder I can't f-" All at once I remember what the guys did yesterday and lower my hands.

"Oh Denki..." he moves in to hug me and I back away. I lift my fingers to my bottom lip remembering him trying to force me to make out with him.

"Denki come on..."

"No!" I shove him back and he falls to the floor. A memory resurfaces.

My dad pushes me to the floor and I start crying. Being only four I cry about everything.

"Shut up or I, I will hit you!" He shouts at me making me cry harder. My dad has never hit me dads aren't suppose to hit there kids.

He bends down and picks me up by my shirt. A hit comes then another and my wails get louder.

Finally he sets me down too tired to deal with me. I just lay on the ground with my bloody broken nose waiting for him to come back and say sorry.

Shinso's POV

Denki breathing hitiches and he looks down at his hands like they aren't a part of him. I step forward and he quickly raises his head.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to." He steps back from me.

I step forward and touch his shoulder, "Denki it's okay you didn't push me hard I tripped over some clothes you didn't pick up."

"Still I hurt you. I don't want to end up hurting the person I love most!" He throws his hands down then realizes what he said. His eyes widen with fear. He steps back again.

Denki loves me?

I quickly fill in the distance between us and kiss him. He stands still in shock then leans into the kiss. His arms wrap around my neck and I run my hands through his hair. A light zap trails from his lips to my lips. Finally we pull away both breathless. I rest my head on his as our breathing mixes.

"I will take that as you like me too?" He asks hopeful.

"I don't just like you Denki I love you." I say starring into his electrifying yellow eyes.

He smiles the most goofiest smile that I can't help but laugh at.

"Wait so does that mean we are dating? Boyfriend and boyfriend?"

"I would be honored to be your boyfriend." I reply.

Denki POV

We walk down the stairs hand in hand smiling at each other. Mina notices and rushes over to us.

"What are you two doing? You guys have the silliest look on your face. What is going on?"

I smile brighter, "Me and Shinso are dating."

Mina screams with delight and Shinso blushes.

Kirishima and Mina both grab my wrists and drag me to the couch. They throw me down onto it once we get there.

"Okay you need to tell us how long you have liked him, when you started dating, and how much you like him." Mina sits down like a child and Kirishama does too to mimic her.

"We started dating this morning. I accidentally told him I liked him then," I blush thinking about the kiss. "Then, he told me he liked me."

"What happened in between that?" Kirishima asks.

"Nothing." I say blushing even harder.

"Your lying! Tell us!" Mina shouts.

"Tell us. Tell us. Tell us." The both say poking me.

"Shinso!" I call out.

He comes over and sits next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulder. "What is it?"

I point at them, "They are bulling me!"

He chuckles lightly.

Mina's eyes are filled with childish glee. "Denki was just telling us what you did after he told you he liked you."

He turns bright red, "Denki you told them we kissed!"

Mina jumps in the air. "You kissed!?!"

"Shinso I didn't tell them, they tricked you." I slam my hand onto my face.

"Oh." He buries his head into my shoulder.

"Do you want me to answer the other questions?" I ask trying to change the subject.

She calms down and sits, "Go on."

"I started liking him since he saved me."

"What about you Shinso?" Kirishima asks.

Shinso sits up straighter. "I remember when I met him thinking how cute he was the telling my self I needed to get a grip. I realized I liked him once you guys made me knock on his door and I saw him and thought 'Wow he's hot.'"

I blush. "Shinso that's so sweet."

He smiles at me.

"Okay last question: how much do you guys like each other?" Mina asks.

"I love him." I say at the same time as he say "We love each other."

Mina fake faints and Kirishima fake gags.

I turn to face Shinso and smile. "I love you."

He smiles back. "I love you too."

They kissed! Now be ready for some bad stuff since I can't write happy stuff without something bad happening.

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