Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

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Denki's POV

I am hunched over throwing up with Present Mic rubbing my back. Apparently they arrived 20 minuets ago and helped me be less of a dunce. (Referring to over using his quirk)

"You thought it was a 'good idea'?! Jesus! Denki could of died!" Mr. Aizawa continues to a yell at my classmates. I feel guilty for not being able to get away from the guys.

I remember Shinso walking over, putting his hand on my shoulder, me spinning around, and then falling. Shinso walked away like it was nothing. What's wrong with me?

I wave a nausea hits as hard as a truck and I continue to throw up. Present Mic rubs my shoulders saying something soothing that I'm not even paying any attention to. All I care about is betraying my class.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and sit up a little. I look at my classmates, all of them are hanging there heads except for one person.

Shinso has a smile on his lips and is clearly not paying any attention to Mr. Aizawa. His eyes are glazed over as he stares at the floor. Suddenly he lifts his head with a confused look on his face as he glances my way. I quickly look away with a blush on my cheeks.

"I SHOULD KICK YOU ALL OUT!" Mr. Aizawa yells at them. I wince and look at Mr. Aizawa, worried. He glances my way and sighs. "Luckily for you I'm not."

A collective breath is let out among the group.

"I wasn't done, you all will go through 1 week of hell. Once I am done with you, you will have wished I did kick you out."

Groans pass among the group except for Shinso. Shinso sits taller, almost as if that was the best news he heard all week.

"As for Denki and Shinso," Fear seeps back in. "Both of you will not go through the whole week but only have to go through one day of extra work."

Complaints are yelled out.

"That's unfair!"

"Shinso did nothing!"

"Denki choose to come here too!"

Mr. Aizawa quieted them, "That is enough. Shinso was the one who found Denki and forced Bakugou to call me for help. As for Denki, he did not touch any alcohol and kept an eye on all of you until someone grabbed him. So yes, both of them only have to do one day of extra work."

Everyone stoped saying how 'unfair' it was and quietly talked among themselves as a wave a nausea caused me to bend over and throw up. Again.

"Denki just breathe." Shinso had walked over and was now rubbing my back. I finish throwing up and turn to him.

He is sitting on the floor with his legs crossed looking at me. I don't even have time to filter what I did but by the next time I blink I have had laid my head in his lap. He is unnaturally still for a second then relaxes. He starts to stroke my hair and I lean into him. I close my eyes and just enjoy the moment.

Thank you for reading!
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I am BAD at spelling and grammar so if you see a mistake please tell me in the comments and I will try to fix it.

If you have any art you want to see at the beginning of the chapter please email it to me.

I hope you liked the chapter


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