Breaking Point

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Y'all don't understand how happy I get when I see a like or a comment! It makes my day! Also I feel like posting two today  because y'all are the best!

Denki's POV

Class is weird today. Because of what happened Mr. Aizawa decided not to go to the training grounds so today we are doing tomorrows lesson. He also decided to not tell the class what happened so everyone keeps glancing at me to see if I am about to break down. Shinso has been called on 3 times and all 3 times he can't answer the question which is unlike him because he is a straight A student. And lastly, although I am grateful for the bra Mina lended me I hate it. I want my binder back but I can't wear it because...

No I won't think about that because if I do I will break down just like everyone's waiting to happen.

"Time for lunch you guys may leave. Denki please stay."

I know why he asked me to stay. He wants to see how long till I break just like everyone. I wish everyone would just give me some space.

I stand and walk to his desk. Everyone but Shinso and the Bakugou squad have left. More people waiting to see me break.

"You wanted to see me?"

He nods his head and gestures to a chair next to him. I sit down.

"Denki I want you to know that those boys have been expelled." I feel bad. If only I acted like a girl then they would still have a shot here.

"I want you to eat in here today to avoid anything else. Teachers aren't in the cafeteria and I don't want to risk you getting hurt. Do you have any questions?"

"Is there a way to fix my binder?" I ask hopeful.

He sighs, "Denki it was torn down the back. There is no fixing it. Speaking about that, how's your back?"

"My back?" I bluff acting like I didn't know what he was saying.

"Denki I can tell you know what I mean. How badly hurt is it?"

I shrink, "It still hurts. I think it got cut when it snapped."

"Can I see your back to check on it?"

A shiver runs through me. "Okay."

We stand up and I turn around. He lifts up my shirt a little and I hold down the front.

"Denki you have scars all over your back."

I stay silent and he finally pulls my shirt back down. We sit down.

"It's just red where it snapped. I think it caused the skin to rub raw. I just wouldn't wear any tight clothing for today and tomorrow. Denki why are there scars all over your back?"

I look away. "It doesn't matter they are healed now. Was that it?"

"One more thing." He starts to rifle through his desk drawer and pulls out a bigger size school shirt and jacket. "If you want you can put this on so your chest is less noticeable."

I take it with a smile, "Thank you."

He smiles back. "No problem."

With that he stands and goes to eat lunch and I head over to my friends with a new perspective. They weren't waiting to see me break but trying  to make sure I don't.

"I have to eat here today guys so if you want you can leave."

They look at me like I am crazy. Mina speaks up, "Like we are going to leave you alone after you came in the room sobbing and it's only the first day back. We are your friends, you can't just ask us to leave."

I smile sweetly at them.

"Also you need to tell us why you were crying so I know which extra to beat up." Bakugou comments.

I chuckle lightly, "I have to go get changed real quick, you guys can start eating."

They start to head to the front of the room and I head to the door.

Shinso grabs my wrist and I turn around to face him, "Denki are you okay? You know it's okay not to be okay right?" (My dyslexic butt had to read that ten times to make sure it was correct- okay back to the story)

I quickly hug him then say, "As long as you are with me no one can hurt me."

He drops his hand and I can tell something is going on in his head.

"Shinso what is it?"

He sighs, "They did hurt you. I could do nothing but watch. How do you have so much faith in me?"

"You still would have saved me if Mr. Aizawa didn't come. Also you have saved me before at the bar. Shinso I don't understand why you have so little faith in yourself."

He stumbles back a bit shocked. A smile fills lips, "Don't take too long."

I smile and walk out the door.

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