I. Hideaway

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Chapter One

I feel Padmé squeeze my hand tightly as we make our way through the brightly lit hall of the senate building. Releasing an uneven breath I force a smile her way, trying to keep myself composed and not crumble to the ground like I do desperately want to.

It's been two days since I left Taris. Two days since my father died. Two days since I become queen. Having Padmé by my side helped, not only because of her warm and comforting friendship, but because she knows what it's like to be a queen when you don't feel ready, to have the weight of a planet put on your shoulders.

She was kind enough to lend me one of her outfits for our meeting with the chancellor. It's a floor length pale pink gown, with gold sleeves that match the gold crown that is wrapped around my tied up hair. The two guards who escorted me here have not left my side, I tried to convince them to stay in the apartment and freshen up, but they refused. They are still wearing the same navy blue uniform that all soldiers on Taris wear, but there's has stains of ash and dirt on theirs. The smell of smoke still follows them wherever they go. It makes me sick to my stomach.

The doors to the chancellors office open, revealing Sheev Palpatine standing behind his desk; his smile radiant as his eyes land on me. "Ah, your majesty. Welcome to Coruscant."

I force a smile his direction, nodding my head in respect. I had expected to be having this meeting with him alone, but in the room are six Jedi. The one Jedi who approaches me is Master Yoda, the head of the Jedi council. I had met him on a few occasions throughout my life. He had always been kind to me. Yoda has an air of wisdom and experience to him I've always found fascinating. I wanted to hear about everything he's done in his life, but there has never been a right time to hear of his tales. It was hardly the time now.

"Queen Daulton," Master Yoda says, bowing his head. "For the loss of your father, my condolences. Good man, he was."

The first genuine smile I've had in two days crosses my lips as I stare down at the small green Jedi, bowing my head to him in respect as well. "It's been too long, Master Yoda. Might I ask why you and the other Jedi are present in this meeting?"

Chancellor Palpatine is the one to answer this question for me. "In light of what has happened, the senate thinks its best for you to be put under the protection of the Jedi. We can't afford to lose you like we lost your father."

I turn my attention back to Master Yoda. "I am grateful for your willingness to help me. Who is the Jedi that will be assigned to me?" I ask.

Mace Windu, the Jedi council's second highest council member, answers this question for me, his brown robes swaying around him as he approaches me with crossed arms. "Senator Amidala suggested Master Obi Wan Kenobi. He and the senator have worked together in the past. He's an excellent warrior and an honorable man. The senator thought that you would feel more comfortable around someone she trusted."

I glance over my shoulder at my best friend, smiling to her shyly. I turn back to Master Windu, nodding my head courteously. "Indeed. When shall he and I be heading back to Taris?"

Chancellor Palpatine gives me a rather curious gaze, shaking his head as he makes his way around the table. "You are not going back to Taris. Master Kenobi will be taking you to a secure location, where you will be watched over."

Dropping my composure for a moment, I gawk at the chancellor, trying to be as diplomatic as possible as I ask; "Why can't I go back? I'm Queen now, my people—"

"Killed your father," Palatine finishes for me, a grave look covering his face. "I had people visit Taris and they informed me the rebels on your planet have taken over the capital and are currently inhabiting your castle. Until things settle down, you will not go anywhere near Taris."

I straighten myself up, shaking my head firmly as I try to reason with the chancellor. "Chancellor, even in light of what's happened I have a duty to my people. I can't hide away while they're in danger."

"You are the last of the Daulton line. You have no brothers or sisters. If you die, your planet has no future. I beg you, Genevieve, for your people's sake, keep yourself away from Taris. Just until this blows over."

I know there isn't any use in arguing with him, so I silently nod. The thought of having to leave Taris and run away makes me feel disgusted. My parents taught me that my people always come first, that my duty was to Taris. I can't run away. But even if I were allowed back to Taris, I have no idea how I would fix the issues that have arisen on my planet. If my father couldn't fix it, how could I?

Master Yoda tries to give me a reassuring smile, saying to me kindly; "Contact Master Kenobi, we will. Rest now, you should. A long journey ahead of you, you have."

I smile down at him, feeling an unease brewing in my chest as I let his words sink in. I had never spent more than a few days away from Taris at a time. I didn't know what to expect from hiding out on some planet I don't know, with a Jedi master who I've never met. But for now I guess all I can do is keep my head up high and now my head to the Jedi and the chancellor, swallowing the fear and anxiety that threatens to swallow me whole.

The Jedi begin to make their way out of the chancellor's office, with Padmé and I following behind them. We walk at a slower pace however, enough to have a bit of privacy as I let my diplomatic mask slip. "How did you handle leaving Naboo when your people were in danger?"

Padmé links her arm with mine, lowering her voice as she replies; "I knew that the best thing I could do for them was to leave and get help. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but I had faith in the republic and the Jedi. I also had faith in myself."

I shake my head, my voice strained as I say; "I didn't think I'd be queen for a long time. I'm not ready, I don't know how to do this. How can I have faith in myself? How can I do this without my father?"

Padmé gives me a look of understanding, which is far more comforting than any look of sympathy or pity that I've gotten these past two days. "You'll learn. No one is ready when they inherit a throne. You will become more confident as time goes on. Your father trained you your whole life to become queen, he knew you could handle this."

I sigh, wiping a silent tear that escapes my eye. "You think I'll be able to fix what's happening on my planet?"

Padmé nods, smiling at me with a look of full confidence and pride. "You're Genevieve Daulton, you can handle anything that comes your way. It may not seem like it now, but you'll find a way to fix things. And you won't have to do it alone."

I squeeze her arm. "I wish you could come with me while I hide away."

Padmé sighs, glancing back towards the closed doors of the chancellor's office. "Unfortunately your planet is not the only one with conflict that needs to be fixed. Hopefully it won't come to war."

I nod, the image of my soldiers fighting off the rebels in front of my castle, the fire sending ash raining down like snow flakes in the dead of winter. "Yes, lets all hope for that."

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