LXX. Luke & Leia

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Chapter Seventy
Obi Wan

I keep looking back at Fallon as we fly out of the Mustafar atmosphere, my worry increasing with each passing second. Anakin didn't choke her that hard, she should be up and about by now. Something else is wrong, but I don't know what. I'm worried about her, I'm worried about the baby.

Every time I look at her I think of Anakin, about what I just did to him. I left him for dead on that hellish planet, I took away her husband, her child's father. I let my best friend die.

The guilt from all of this threatens to swallow me whole, making me feel like I'm suffocating, and with every breath my lungs close more and more.

But I can't let my feelings get in the way now, I can't think of Anakin now. I have to do what I can to help her. I think of Aiden and Padmé, wondering if they might have an answer. I don't have anyone else to turn to.

I click on the communications on the ship and wait impatiently for Aiden's hologram to appear, looking breathless once he sees my image. "It's good to see you, my friend. Where's Fallon?"

"In the back. Somethings wrong with her, I think we need to bring her to a medical center. I don't know what's going on, she's not physically injured, but she won't wake up."

"And Anakin?" Aiden asks, his face filled with dread, his voice apprehensive.

I shake my head, watching Aiden close his eyes and look down, now having to mourn two friends in one day. Padmé appears next to him suddenly, Jayce sleeping soundly in her arms, the same look of sorrow on her face. Her voice is determined as she says; "We can't bring her to the medical center here on Coruscant, it's too dangerous."

"I know of one that help us though," Aiden says, taking in a deep breath before explaining; "It's the Polis Massan medical center in the Polis Massa astroid colony. It is one of the main medical centers that receives Taris medical supplies from the trade ports."

I nod, beginning to punch in the coordinates as another person appears in the hologram; Master Yoda. He looks shaken, guilt ridden as I am as he informs me; "Defeat the Palpatine, I could not. Failed, I have."

"You did the best you could, Master. He's far too powerful."

"Successful with your mission, were you?" He asks.

I nod once, not wanting to elaborate any further on the subject. Whether Yoda can sense my pain or see it in my face, I don't know. He doesn't push me to talk about it though, he just takes my word for it and says softly; "Meet you on Polis Massan, we will."

"Yes, Master." I say, the transmission cutting of as I look back at Fallon one more time, seeing her chest still rising and falling, giving me all the hope I need as I bring us into hyperspace.


The Polis Massan medical center is larger than I would have thought. It is inside a crater of one of the Polis Massa asteroids, made out of a dark metal and glass, cylinder shape in design, with thick dome ceilings to protect the center from other asteroids.

Yoda, Aiden, Padmé, and I are all standing outside one of their operating rooms, behind a glass wall that allows us to see Fallon inside. The healer put her in a cream white gown and laid her on a large operating table to be scanned. The scanning is still going on now.

Jayce is looking around at the medical center in wonder, his head turning in every direction to take in the new place. I smile down at my son in my arms, rubbing his back soothingly as he continues to look around. Aiden and Padmé are watching Fallon hand in hand, concern written on both their faces. Even Yoda next to them looks filled with dread as we wait for the healer to come outside and speak with us.

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