XXI. The Droid Factory

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Chapter Twenty-One

"This is one of the ugliest planets I've ever seen," Fallon comments as we descend into the atmosphere of Geonosis. "Why would Count Dooku want to hide out here?"

That's a good question. Geonosis is a desert planet by the looks of it, but it isn't flat and lifeless like Tatooine is. This planet has red and orange rock covering the surface, tall cliffs and mountains that cast the ground below in shadow. The air around us is foggy, thick with exhaust that I don't know the origin of. The buildings on this planet seem to be made of the same rock the mountains are, standing in a spire like structure that almost resembles a spear. Through the force I can sense a lot of life on this planet, but they are nowhere in sight. This planet seems empty, desolate. But looks can be deceiving. I can feel the Geonosians watching us as we land below on of the cliffs, hear the whispers of darkness surrounding them in the force.

I turn the engine off, turning to my companions. "It's important we stay together. Who knows what awaits us on this planet."

Aiden nods in agreement, looking out the window at the looming cliffs. "Where exactly are we looking for? How do we know where to find Dooku?"

Fallon nods to me. "He'll use his mystical powers to lead us to Dooku."

I glare at her. "The force. It's called the force."

She smirks at me. "You make it too easy to tease you."

I smile despite myself, trying to keep focused. "The dark side of the force has a very distinct feeling. It's cold, it's dark. This planet is full of the dark side, but there's something that feels colder than everything else. That has to be Dooku."

Aiden turns his gun off safety, gesturing to the door. "Lead the way."

I leave R2 in charge of watching the ship, with 3-PO to keep him company. He is more than thrilled to stay away from whatever is hidden here. The planet is even more ugly now that I'm outside the ship. The foggy atmosphere is definitely from some sort of exhaust. The air smells strongly of metal and fire. That can't be a good sign. I close my eyes and try to ignore the pungent smell, trying to find Dooku on this dark planet. As I had said to the others, there is a focus point of darkness amongst the rest; a cold, sinister feeling that makes goosebumps go down my arms. I try to follow that feeling like a beacon, hoping it will lead us to where we need to go.

After a few minutes of walking, I feel a spike in the force, like a navigation system telling me that I am close to where I need to be. I look around and mind I'm standing right next to another cliff, but I don't see Dooku or anyone else in sight. His essence in the force almost feels like it's covered by something, like how you can hear an echo in a cave but you can't find the source. My instincts tell me that this cliff has more to it than meets the eye. I march up to the dark red rock, trying to let the force guide me to any sign of a secret entrance or pathway. After a few moments I feel a small button behind a jagged piece of rock. I press it, seeing a dark hallway appear right next to me.

I look back at Aiden and Fallon, gesturing for them to go inside first. The darkness of the hallway doesn't last long, because after a few feet we have entered into a fortress of some kind. If this were on a nicer planet I would say it's beautiful. Wooden pillars, shapes like the spired structures on this planet, hold up a dome shaped roof. This roof appears to be made of a yellow glass, and as the sun reaches high noon and hits it, yellow light is cast upon us and the entire room. Red curtains and banners are hanging from the pillars, made of a velvet material that looks slightly orange thanks to the light hitting it. The floors are made of a red stone carved from the mountains, made into patterns that I don't know the meaning of. I let out a small sigh, nodding for the other two to follow me. We can't afford to admire the architecture any longer. Who knows who will come around a corner and catch us lurking.

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