XLI. Pago The Lesser

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Two days later...

Chapter Forty-One
Obi Wan

I took Anakin's advice. There is no doubt that Grevious took Genevieve to Dooku, but the problem is the republic has no idea where Dooku is hiding. The other separatist leaders might. Of the ones we know of, a lot of them are hiding behind their armies now, untouchable for the moment. It would take far too much time to fight my way through their armies to get information out of them and time is of the essence. I don't know how much time Genevieve has.

The only separatist leader that is within reach is the Geonosian leader, Pago the lesser. Ever since the war began here on Geonosis, we have been fighting to take control of the planet. Master Windu has been leading the campaign here, trying to capture the slimy bug.

For the last few days I have been assisting Master Windu in his efforts. The sooner we capture Pago, the sooner I can be on my way to find Genevieve.

She hasn't left my mind for a single moment since she was taken. If I'm being honest, she hasn't really left my mind since I met her. Her capture has certainly caused much unrest; in her people, in the republic, and in me. A realization has hit me since her capture, something I've known for a long time but refused to admit.

Genevieve asked me when we were on Naboo if I regretted not leaving the Jedi Order for Satine. I told her I used to but no longer did. That was true. For the longest time I wondered if I had made the right decision, if choosing the Jedi over Satine was what I should have done. Ever since I made that decision I have felt lonely, like I gave up part of my happiness, my heart in choosing the order. That changed when I met Genevieve. It was like that missing piece of myself was finally found, and over the past several weeks, that loneliness and regret has slowly faded away. I didn't realize any of this until she went missing, until that piece of myself threatened to disappear for good this time.

I don't regret leaving the order for Satine because if I had left, I never would have met Genevieve Daulton.

This realization is dangerous. I am being put to the same test that I was put to with Satine; duty or love. I made a vow, an oath to the Jedi Order. I am to never form attachments, not with anyone. No matter how I feel, I must not yield to my feelings. I cannot give up the role I have, the duty I have to the safety and protection of the republic, of the galaxy. For now, the obligations of my duties and the aching of my heart have the same goal; finding Genevieve.

Master Windu and I are currently standing in the rubble and destruction of the Geonosian capital building. We have completely ransacked the capital city in hopes of finding Pago. I think we are closer than ever, I can sense that he is somewhere here in the capital. But where?

Master Windu asks the same question. "We have looked in every building and every street. I sense many life forms here...but where are they?"

It is a perplexing question. As I am about to state my confusion on the matter, my mind goes to Taris. Fallon informed me that beneath the capital of Taris are miles of tunnel systems, connecting to several buildings including the palace. Perhaps this is the case for Geonosis.

I turn to Windu. "I have an idea. What if they are underground? There could be tunnel systems under the city that allows them to hide."

Windu thinks this over for a moment, bringing his communicator up to tell his commander; "We will need a drill crew and some explosives. We're taking the fight underground."

Windu clasps my shoulder, igniting his lightsaber. "Be ready for anything, Obi Wan."

I nod to him, igniting my own lightsaber. "I'll follow your lead, Master."

Windu smiles slightly at me as he runs towards the fallen capital, with me following close behind him, the clones not too far behind, all boiling for a fight.


I was right; they were underground. Once we figured out their hiding spot, most of the Geonosians fled to the surface and the real fighting began once more. Hiding like a coward amongst his citizens was Pago the lesser, who attempted to flee but failed. We are holding him in a cell aboard the star cruiser just outside the Geonosis atmosphere. Thankfully there is a protocol droid on board to translate, it will make interrogating him easier.

His hands are bound together in front of him, his face impassive as Windu and I stare him down. Windu leans forward on the table in between us, analyzing the separatist. Pago does the same, looking less than pleased with what he sees.

"Where is Count Dooku hiding?" I ask, my arms crossed standing a few feet back from Windu.

Pago says something, which is translated by the monotone voice of the droid; "I will not tell you anything, Jedi."

Windu waves his hand in the air, his eyebrows creasing in concentration as he uses the force to try to manipulate Pago. "You will tell us where Count Dooku is."

Pago says something else, and I hold out hope for a moment before the droid translates; "Jedi mind tricks don't work on me. You are wasting your time."

I take a step forward, placing my own hand out, nodding to Windu to do the same. Maybe if we both try to manipulate him at the same time, we will be able to crack him. Having two Jedi manipulate the force in your mind is dangerous, and impossible to resist. But too much is at stake to waste our time using usual interrogation methods. He won't talk unless we make him talk.

"You will tell us where Count Dooku is." Windu repeats, holding his hand out alongside mine.

Pago still doesn't budge, so Windu and I focus harder, my voice joining in with his as we both say; "You will tell us where Count Dooku is."

Pago begins to squirm uncomfortably in his seat, gripping at his head, the droid translating; "No. No, I won't. I won't do it."

"You will tell us now." Windu and I both say, watching Pago bang his hands against his head, clawing at his face. The droid doesn't even bother translating because there aren't any words coming from his mouth, only painful groans and squeals. Windu and I let go, watching Pago slump in his seat, looking utterly exhausted.

"Perhaps we should try again." Windu suggests, already holding his hand out again.

Pago holds his own hand out, shaking his head. The droid translates his breathy reply; "No. No I have had enough. Dooku is on Serenno. He has a palace there, that's where he's hiding."

I smile at the Geonosian leader, bowing my head to him. I then turn to Windu, who already gestures to the exit. "Time is of the essence, Master Kenobi. Go get the queen, I will handle the rest."

I nod to him, not wasting time to bid him farewell. I run out of Pago's cell and towards the hanger bay, my mind swarming with worry on what I will find on Serenno. As I sit myself in my ship and start up the engine, I search through the living force to feel for Genevieve, feeling her light still shining through the vast distance between us. As long as that light stays aglow, there is still hope, there is still hope for the galaxy.

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