XXIV. The Jedi

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Chapter Twenty-Four
Obi Wan

I have a really bad feeling about this.

Four gates are built into the colosseum, one for each of us. Slowly the gates begin to open, the sound of metal grinding together mixed with the growls of whatever the gates are hiding. Out from the gate in front of me comes an Acklay, it's long green legs stabbing the ground in excitement as it's given it's freedom, a loud shreak coming from its thistled mouth. The next gate reveals a Reek, growling loudly and kicking at the ground in anticipation. It's large horn swings at the Geonosian next to it, trying to quench it's bloodlust. A Nexu is released from the next gate, attacking the Geonosian trying to calm the beast down. It's many eyes scan the colosseum, locking onto Fallon. She starts picking at her lock even harder with the hair pin she got from her hair. Out from the last gate comes a Dentursa; it's tusks, long claws, and large fin running down it's back making Aiden struggle in his chains. I have never seen a Dentursa in real life, only heard stories about them. It lifts it's head up to growl, low and guttural like the Geonosian speech, revealing sharp teeth the color of the creatures blonde fur.

"This is some rescue mission, Master." Anakin mutters.

I turn my head to the side and glare at him, hearing the creature's growls grow louder as they are lead towards us. I look up to the balcony overlooking the colosseum, where Genevieve is forced to watch us by the separatist leaders. Even from down here I can see her dread and her fear, making me pull at my chains hard, trying to break free.

The creatures are now getting closer, with the Acklay's screams now filling my ears completely. It sees me, it's target, it's feast, and gets excited. It brings it's leg up to try and stab me, but I maneuver out of the way. It tries to get me again, but it ends up stabbing my chains, releasing me from the pillar. I don't have much time to appreciate my freedom, because the Acklay's strikes keep coming, making dust fly everywhere around me as it tries to end me.

Fallon has managed to unlock her chains, beginning to climb the pillar to escape the Nexu. The Reek rammed it's horn into Anakin's pillar but he jumped at the right moment to escape, landing on the creature's back. He wraps the chain around the beast's horn, making it snap once it moves. Anakin pulls at the chain, trying to direct it towards the Nexu and Dentursa trying to kill Fallon and Aiden.

Fallon is fine for the moment, but Aiden is struggling to climb up his pillar, getting scratched pretty deeply by the Dentursa's claws. The Acklay is still out for blood, continuing to strike blows to try and kill me. I begin running towards the Dentursa, barely dodging the Acklay's long green legs. I use the force and push the Dentursa down, jumping over it in time for another one of the Acklay's blows, which makes it's mark right in the Dentursa's chest.

As Anakin passes me by on the Reek he tosses me the hair pin. I catch it, using it to try and unlock Aiden's chains. Fallon wraps her chain around her arm and jumps down from the pillar, swinging her legs up and kicking the Nexu in the chest, making it squeal in pain and fall to the ground. As it's about to get up, the Acklay accidentally steps on it, killing it instantly. I unlock Aiden's chains just in time for the Acklay to strike at me again. I grab onto Aiden's arm and pull him out of the way, it's leg barely missing us. Anakin seems to be getting the hang of the Reek, it isn't trying to buck him off nearly as much. Anakin yells up to Fallon to jump down and onto it's back, which she does, holding onto Anakin's waist tightly. Aiden and I run towards them, jumping onto the back of the beast as well, now trying to outrun the Acklay and keep the Reek under control.

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