A Visitor

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Today, I woke up to the sun shining brightly through my window and felt Lunas' nose nudge my arm. I smile and pet her head softly, looking into her beautiful lightning blue eyes.

"Good morning, Luna. Did you sleep well?" She answers by licking my face a little and wiggling her shoulders a bit. I giggle and sit up, "Okay, okay. I'm up."

I get out of bed and head downstairs to the kitchen to give her some fish. As she starts eating, I sit down at the table with an apple for myself. Watching her eat her fish in peace, I felt so relaxed, but as soon and the peacefulness of the morning came, it had left with a knock at the door and a very familiar voice, "Hey, (Y/N)! Are you up?!"

I jump up and run to the door before he can open it. I step outside and slam the door shut with a nervous smile, "H-hey, Hiccup. What's going on?" I giggle out nervously.

Hiccup gives me an odd look as I try to hold the door shut thanks to Luna pushing against it, "Is everything okay? You're acting kinda strange this morning."

"Hehe. I'm fine." I say as I feel Luna push the door again.

"Who's in there, (Y/N)? Your boyfriend?" He says with a small laugh, but it didn't last long for Luna had finally pushed through the door, knocking me into Hiccup by accident. His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open slightly.

"Hiccup? Don't freak out." I try to calm him down before he went into panic mode.

"I-it's a... another..." He couldn't finish his sentence for Toothless got really excited and started bouncing around like a rabbit. Luna looked at Toothless and started to play with him.

"Luna, get back inside girl. We don't need anyone else seeing you." I pushed her and Toothless into the house and then grabbed Hiccups' hand, pulling him into the house and slamming the door shut once again. "Look, Hiccup, I know this looks bad, but--"

Hiccup cut me off real quick, "Another Night Fury! This is amazing, (Y/N)! Where did you find her? How long has she been here? How did you--"

"Hiccup, slow down! I can only answer one thing at a time!"

He looks at me sheepishly and took a deep breath, "Sorry. So, where did you find her?"

I look down at my feet and sigh, "I found her in the woods behind my house the night after my parents died. She had hurt her leg, so I brought her here to take care of her." I kneel down to Luna as she walks over to me and pet her softly, "After she was all better, she didn't want to leave. Instead, she decided to stay with me. I should've told you about her after you found Toothless, but I was so scared to tell anyone."

I hugged Lunas' neck and she croons softly in my ear. Hiccup gives me an understanding look and smiles softly, "Well, at least Toothless has a new friend to play with, huh, bud?"

Toothless started wiggling again and I couldn't hold back a giggle, "That's true." I agreed and let Luna play with Toothless once again.

Then, Hiccup got an idea, "Hey! Why don't I make her a saddle so we can ride together?"

I look at him and smile softly, "If you've got the time to make one, sure. Why not?" I giggle softly with a small shrug.

Hiccup smiles brightly and goes to run out the front door, "I'll get to work on one immediately! Can Toothless stay here with Luna?"

I nod my head and smile more, "Sure. That'll be alright with me."

He nods and bolts out the door, heading for the blacksmith's shop. I turn around and see Toothless and Luna curled up together, taking a little nap. The smile that pulled at my lips couldn't be hidden. 'They look so cute together.' I thought to myself. I walk to my room upstairs and grab my journal. Heading back downstairs, I sit down and start drawing them, trying to make time go faster.


As I finished the drawing, Hiccup came through the door with the saddle for Luna. I look up at him and show him the drawing, "Wow. That's amazing, (Y/N)."

"Thanks. I did my best." I close my journal and set it aside, looking at the sleeping dragons, "They're so cute, don't you think?"

Hiccup sits next to me and smiles, "Yeah. They seem happy since they met." I nod and yawn a bit, seeing Hiccup do the same thing out of the corner of my eye.

"If you want, y'all can stay here for the night."  I offered with a slight blush. Hiccup blushes a bit as well, but nods his head in agreement. We sit there in a comfortable silence and started drifting off to sleep.

The Second Night Fury (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now