New Berk

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Years have come and gone. Hiccup had found his mom and defeated this crazy guy that was trying to create a dragon army, but lost his dad in the process. Now we have another weirdo on our hands.

Grimmel is the Night Fury killer. He has hunted every single Night Fury except for Toothless and Luna. Now, he wants them along with their little ones.

As we try we escape from him, we fly to a new island west of Berk. Trying to find the Hidden world.

The twins rode on Midnight and Shadow, the twin Night Furies, as we made our way to the island, "Momma, how much longer?" (y/s/n) asks impatiently.

I sigh as Hiccup shakes his head, "We don't know buddy. We'll be there when we get there."

He groans as (y/d/n) giggles to herself, "So it might take days even?" She asks, trying to tease her brother.

"Not Funny (y/d/n)!!!"

I just laugh and shake my head.


After a while, we finally land on an island much bigger than Berk. I stay on Luna just in case Hiccup wanted to keep searching and sure enough, he wanted to search.


(Time skip a few years later)

'It has been a few years since we let our dragons go to the Hidden world so they would be safe. Hiccup and I had finally gotten married and had another set of twins. Eret finally confessed his undying love for Astrid and happily confessed her undying love for him. Fishlegs and Roughnut got married. Toughtnut was still, well, Toughnut. Even Snotlout found love. He was testing a catapult for Gobber when he crashed in her house, onto her lap. New Berk was covered in snow and I could tell Hiccup missed Toothless.

I can't really blame him though.

I miss Luna as well, but they're safe from dragon hunters now. That's all that really matters.

Maybe some day we can all live together peacefully again and not worry about anyone wanting to hunt our dragons.

And maybe, just maybe, that day will come sooner than we think.'

The older twins and they're Night Furies greet each other happily and Toothless licks Hiccups' face with excitement. Luna nuzzles her head into my side and the younger twins greet the two new Night Furies.

'Just maybe, that day is today.'

The Second Night Fury (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now