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Striker was waiting for my signal in the bushes as I flew down to Dagur on Luna, trying not to think about what happened between Hiccup and I just a few minutes ago.

"(Y/N), you've returned!" Dagur said with open arms and a huge smile on his face.

I was breathing heavily and had a worried look on my face, "Dagur, we need to leave. Now!"

He looks at me with a strange look, "But why? Aren't there dragons on this island?"

"There are, but there's one that is really angry because we've trespassed on its territory." I start looking around and hear Striker growling in the bushes.

Dagur looks towards the bushes and gets closer to me, "(Y/N), wha--"

Striker came out of the bushes at full speed, aiming for Dagur. I duck down, pulling Dagur with me out of instinct, "You idiot! You need to get outta here! NOW!!!" I start to 'fight off' Striker with Lunas' help and notice that Striker doesn't like Dagur at all, but why? Striker is usually very comfortable around humans since meeting me. Something's wrong.

"I'm not leaving you here with that dangerous dragon, (Y/N)!"

As Dagur said that, it dawned on me why Striker was out for blood. 'Oh no. This is bad.' Striker was protecting me from Dagur not because of what Dagur was, but because of what is on his mind. 'He can't like me that way!'

I growl under my breath and give Dagur a death glare, "You Fool! Leave Before He Kills You! NOW!!!"

He gives me a concerned look and runs to his crew, ordering them to set sail while I kept Striker busy. As Dagur and his men sail off, Striker finally starts to calm down. Hiccup had been watching from afar and came as soon as the hunters and Dagur were out of sight, "What on earth was that?"

I pet Striker softly and look at Hiccup, "He knows Dagurs' feelings towards me."

Hiccup goes stiff and looks to Striker, "So, he was warning Dagur that you are already taken. I've never heard of a dragon doing that before."

"Neither have I, but it's very interesting. We need to make sure that Striker never sees Dagur again. I don't wanna be the reason for anyone dying."

Hiccup takes my hand softly and pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me gently, "I understand, (Y/N). I'll help as much as I can."

I hide my face in his chest and hear the others landing close by, "What happened? We heard shouting." Stoics' voice rang with worry as he came closer, getting nudged by Striker playfully.

"Striker was out for Dagurs' blood." Just hearing those words coming from Hiccup made me feel sick.

"But why?" Fishlegs got worried, thinking they were next.

I sigh and pull away from Hiccup slowly, "He can sense Dagurs' feeling towards me. He doesn't like it one bit."

Astrid looks at me with hatred in her eyes, "Why should that matter? It's not like you're taken."

Hiccup came up behind me and held me by my waist, trying to calm my nerves, "She is taken, Astrid. Now just drop it. (Y/N) doesn't like the thought of Striker killing anyone."

Astrid grew red in the face, got back on Stormfly, and flew off. I try to stop her, but Stoic shakes his head, "Don't worry about her. Right now, let's get back to Berk."

I nod and look at Striker, "Keep the others safe boy. You never know if and when they might come back."

Striker croons a bit before flying back to the other dragons.


After returning to Berk, Luna and I head home to rest. Feeling really drained, I take off my clothes and put on some sleep wear, not even hearing my front door open and close. I sigh softly and feel arms wrap around me from behind, "Are you alright?"

I freeze and slowly turn around to see Hiccup behind me, "I.... I umm... Yeah. I'm f-fine."

Wrapping a pelt around me, Hiccup chuckles a bit and shakes his head, "Sorry I snuck in on you. Toothless wanted to be with Luna tonight so I thought I'd come with him to make sure you were okay."

I gulp a bit and tighten my grip on the pelt, "It's fine. Just knock next time you come to visit. I could've been taking a bath."

He only grinned slightly, "Already got a bit of a show. So, seeing you bathing would make it even better."

My face goes red and I throw my pillow at him, making him laugh, "You pervert! Get out!" I keep throwing things at him, but he just comes closer to me.

As he gets right in front of me, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him, "You know you love me. You said so yourself." He leans into me and presses his lips against mine softly. It doesn't take me long to kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck, dropping my pelt that was wrapped around me.

Pulling away slowly and pressing our foreheads together, I sigh softly, "I might love you, but you're still a pervert."

The Second Night Fury (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now