Oh boy.

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As days turn into weeks, my feelings for Hiccup never changed. They only got stronger. We started having more adventures and finding more dragons. Dagur became a really good friend and ally.

We met a new enemy. Viggo Grimborn. Younger brother of Ryker Grimborn. His way of thinking is... well... a bit scary to say the least.

"(Y/N), I don't want you going on this mission. It's too dangerous." Hiccup complains as we walk into the clubhouse.

I sigh and shake my head, "Hiccup, every mission we go on is dangerous. How is this one any different?"

He looks at me and sighs, "I just don't want you getting hurt."

I smile and shake my head, wrapping my arms around his neck, "I've got you, Luna, and Toothless to protect me, remember? I'll be fine."

He smiles and nods a little, pressing his forehead against mine and closing his eyes, "I guess I'm just paranoid."

I giggle and kiss him softly on the cheek, "I'll be fine."


After flying for a while, we finally got to Viggo's base, but what we found was shocking. The entire base was destroyed, "What happened here?"

Hiccup looks at me and all I could do was shrug. Astrid came to hover beside me with a worried look, "(Y/N), are you sure you don't want to turn back? This seems really weird."

I look over to her and smile softly, "I'll be fine, Astrid. I promise."

She nods and we all land. Dismounting our dragons, we split up to look around. Luna staying really close to me, "What happened?"

As we keep looking, we enter a tent and find the one person we weren't expecting to see. "Viggo?!"

He looked up from his stop on the ground, blood running down his face. I rush over and help him up, setting him in a chair, "What happened here, Viggo?"

He looks down and takes a deep breath, "Ryker betrayed me."

I look to Luna and nod my head to the entrance. She nods and goes to find the others while I wrap Viggo's head wound, "Just hold on."

After a minute or two, the others come in with shock written all over their faces, "(Y/N)! What are you doing?!" Astrid grabs my arm and pulls me away, making Viggo fall out of his chair.

"Astrid, Stop!" I pull myself away from her and run to Viggo once more. "He's hurt real badly."

Viggo puts a hand on my shoulder, "It's alright. Thank you for your concern, (Y/N)."

Hiccup helps me get him back in his chair as he starts explaining what had happened. Ryker betrayed Viggo and took all his men, along with the Shell Fire dragon they had found.

"He's on his way to the Edge. He wishes to destroy you." He finishes and looks down, feeling hurt from what his brother had done to him.

I look at Hiccup and he nods, "We're taking him to the Edge with us."

Everyone gasped and started to protest. Then Astrid stepped up, "Are you insane? How do we know we can trust him?"

Before Hiccup could answer, Viggo spoke up, "You can take me as a prisoner. I will go willingly."

Everyone nodded and we start heading outside the tent, Viggo between me and Hiccup as we helped him get on Toothless. As we mounted our dragons, we took of, flying as fast as we could to get back to the Edge.

But what we didn't know, was that something big was going to happen. A lot sooner than we could ever imagine.

The Second Night Fury (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now