Tears of sorrow......or happiness?

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It's been months since Toothless and Lunas' baby's came into this world, everyone started getting excited about my baby, but something feels off. I haven't been feeling the baby move since yesterday morning.

Gothi had the same bad feeling as I did when i went and saw her this morning.

I don't know how to tell Hiccup.

I walk to Astrid's house to tell her what's going on. I just hope she doesn't get upset.


As I get to Astrid's house, I see her with Stormfly, playing fetch. Luna nuzzles my side a bit and croons softly, trying to make me feel better.

I smile sadly and walk up to Astrid, "Hey, Astrid."

Astrid and Stormfly look over to me and see the sadness on my face, "(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

She puts her arm around my shoulder and looks at my belly, "Astrid......"

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I break down crying and fall to my knees. Astrid holds me close to her and starts crying with me, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry."

We could hear voices in the distance and then, the one voice I was afraid to hear called out to me, "(Y/N)!!!"

I look up to see Hiccup and the other riders running towards us with their dragons. Ruffnut automatically falls to her knees at my side and hugs me as I cry, "What happened?"

I just keep crying as everyone listened to what Astrid had to say. That's when everything went black and I hear screaming and shouting for someone to get Gothi. I could feel Hiccup pull me into his lap and hold me close to his chest. I tried so hard to hear what he was saying, but it was muffled and the darkness got worse. I was unconscious.


I wake up to the sound of someone pacing back and forth. Trying to stay asleep, I try to roll over, but a sharp pain shoots through my body, making me gasp in pain.

"(Y/N)!" I look over and see Hiccup rush to my side. He holds my hand tightly and brushes my hair out of my face.

"What happened to me?"

Hiccup smiles softly, "You passed out. You've been unconscious for three days now."

"WHAT?!" I sit up really fast, but scream in pain and lay back down. I look down to see that I no longer had a big belly, "Where---"

I was cut off by Astrid and the other riders walking in with two small bundles in Astrid's arms. They all look at me and smile softly, "Well, hello there, sleeping beauty." Snotlout says in his annoying egotistical voice.

Astrid comes closer with the two bundles while Hiccup helps me sit up slowly, "Gothi had to get them out quickly or they would've died. She said we're all lucky that we didn't lose any of you."

I look at the bundle and feels tears pricking my eyes. In Astrid's left arm was a beautiful baby girl with dark brown hair and (e/c). In her right arm, a baby boy with (h/c) hair and green eyes. My hear starts to ache a little, "T-they're okay?"

Everyone smiles and nods. Astrid hands me the little bundles and I just sit there with tears in my eyes, "Gothi thought that we weren't going to be having a healthy baby when you went to her that morning. So it was a huge surprise when she pulled out two healthy babies." Hiccup chuckles softly at the end and everyone started to leave so we could be alone.

"Hiccup, they're beautiful." I say as the tears finally fall.

Hiccup gets in bed with me and wraps his arm around my shoulders, kissing my forehead softly, "Just like they're momma."

I giggle softly and kiss him, "I love you, Hiccup."

"And I love you, (Y/N)."

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