A King's Game

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(A/n : this is all in Henry's POV from when he met Cassandra to the wedding. Got it? Good)

I was sitting in my carriage on my way to Lady Martha's home in York. It was quite the lovely estate from what I've heard in court.

I first became infatuated with the Lady when she went to the winter ball a few months ago. I saw her from across the room, she was stunning.

Gorgeous black hair braided in an intricate design, a head piece dazzled with pearls, lovely ivory skin, bright amber eyes, and a corset that raided her bosom just over her neckline. She was like the Greek goddess Aphrodite. When I talked to her she made me feel like Zeus, and my wife was Hera.

She opened my eyes to Katherine's behavior towards my lovers and for that I wish to thank her.  And while I am there we might be able to converse on the topic of a Grecian alliance. After all she is the King's niece. I'm sure we can work something out.

When I reached the estate I'm not so surprised to see that it takes a more Grecian style in architecture than English. The whole palace reminded me of a villa in Greece that was gifted to King Francis about a year ago.

I walk up to the gate and demand my guards give me my space.

It was about high noon, which meant I was early and had some time to wonder and such.

I saw a garden that instantly caught my attention. It was glorious to look at and I wanted to take inspiration for my own gardens.

So I walk closer, and oh I was not disappointed. The flowers were in such beautiful bloom, in colors and shades that I don't believe I've ever seen before.

I saw roses of blue and purple, lavender that smelled fresh and delectable, and to top it all off an angle was walking not too far away. Well, not an angle, more like a raven or a goddess.

A woman who looked no older than seventeen was walking by another section of roses by herself. She had long, dark brown hair that fell over her hips like a cloak of warm cinnamon. Her skin was a pale ivory and not a single blemish from what I could see of her. She wore a loose fitting gown in the most lovely shade of heavenly white that, still, could not compare to her skin of milk.

Even with its looseness I could see a slight outline of her womanly hips and motherly bosom. As if she were feeding for twins. Her gown showed nothing else though and I could tell that she had just woken up. For the way her hair fell with no particular style other than a few braids left untied.

The way she walked was so elegant and confident, like nothing I've ever seen in a woman. She looked like she knew exactly what she wanted in the world and how to get it. From a mile away I could tell this woman had ambitious intention.

I walked closer to her, whether to romance her or just look closer at her I don't really know.

She turns to look at me and I see her eyes for the first time. Those piercing, bright, blue eyes were like a hurricane in July. A tsunami. They matched her sharp features perfectly and I swear to you she was so majestic. Like when a child catches a bird and looks it in the eye, I felt that I had to let her go now.

But I don't even have her!

Martha had told me she had a young cousin. The Morean  Queen and Princess of Greece, Cassandra Alexandrite. She wasn't name official Queen of her late husband's lands though and the line of succession is still being looked into. But even if she dose not become Queen of Morea she would still be a Grecian Princess with army's ready to fight for her and people who love her.

She would make an amazing ally, or even a good wife. She comes from a fertile stock aswell as powerful rulers. She has nine brothers who are all still alive and with sons of their own now.

No doubt she would birth many sons for a very lucky man.

"Why hello, you must be Princess Cassandra, of Greece"

That was not  the last I would see of her.

I saw her again over a month later at her cousin Genevieve's wedding. She was like a saint among the common folk, she glowed.

I asked her older cousin Martha about her at the banquet for the celebration of a new royal couple.

Martha looked at me bored as she explained, "Oh, Cassandra is the favorite child of the late Queen of Greece. She was hand raised by her mother in all things of political and familial matters," she had said to me.

"Familial matters?"

Martha cringed at my question before nodding solemnly, "Yes, in how to treat her husband, how to conceive a male heir, and how to handle every situation with dignity and grace."

I could picture how this would make her an even better woman. She'd be noble and graceful, knowing her place behind her husband. But on politics, I have no idea where she'd stand.

Martha continued to go into detail.

"She is a scholar, and a virgin still. Even though she had a husband. Very ahead of her time, that woman is. She told me once that she wanted to raise herself a daughter to surpass her in ways she could not her own mother."

"Your cousin seems to be a very interesting."

Martha rolls her eyes fondly, "She is Greek."

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