She Is Greek

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(A/n: Back to Cass's POV😝)

I despise getting letters in English. I can barely read the alphabet that is put in front of me without help from one of my ladies. I need to work more on it, I know. But I don't intend to stat in England long. If I did I'd have to depend on assistance in writing and reading my letters. Which, if you don't know, is very fucking embarrassing.

I've been promised that I can return to Greece as soon as my Morean  throne is returned to me after the war. Now this letter, in fucking English, is the oy news of home I'll have for the next year !

Everything I hold dear is in the hang of the balance. I just pray the good Lord has taken the bastard to wherever he deems fit for her corpse to lay.

I open the letter with shaking ivory hands, my thin fingers working beating on their task. My chest burns and twists with anxiety that I haven't felt in a decade. I haven't been so nervous since my mother first hit me!

I scan the words that my mind works hard to decipher and all I can understand from it is that I have my throne, but I need to bring an heir in the next seven years. Whether it be my child or a ward. I need an heir sooner, much rather than later.

In my absence, my niece Bethany and my advisor shall rule. I trust them well enough for this task as they were both breed for it.

I sigh, discontent that my step daughter was not dead but instead to be married to some old general who is due to retire soon. I guess that will simply have to do.

Maybe she'll die of the plague or better yet, for adultery. I could always just execute her, but I don't want her mongrel blood on my hands. Not before my line is secure anyway.

The most obvious choice of action would be to find a husband, preferably a King or Prince, and quickly conceive a male heir. But then again, I could always just pick one of my nephews if I can't bare one.

Though, I should really look at some candidates.

Maybe Maritsa knows some eligible bachelors of high class for me.

"Maritsa, come here for a minute!"

I heard her heels clicking down the mahogany halls before I saw her. She wore a long and simple brown dress with gold embroidery.

Her blond hair was up in a bun with forced curls meeting her shoulder. She had a pearl necklace and matching earnings. I believe they wore a gift from her cousin, Anna of Cleves.

She curtseyed to me an got right to the point, "Yes, your Highness?"

I pull my face to look somewhat calm, although on the inside I'm burning with rage and other unorthodox emotions. But a proper Queen knows just how much to show. And at this moment, I need to show nothing.

Not out of real severity, but just to get used to it. I will be a Queen. I won't settle for anything less than a proper crown filled with jewels on my head.

I look Maritsa in the eyes, old habit of mine, and begin to explain what I wanted to know.

"I have many suitors from my father, right?"

Maritsa nodded, " J- Yes, yes you do, mainly Dukes and Princes. I've heard good things about all thirty of them!"

She looked so proud to be in my presence at the moment. As to be expected from her. She's been my most trusted confidant since I was two. She watched me grow up. And she will soon be able to say she helped me become a beautiful and graceful Queen.

"Yes well, I want you to dig a little deeper. And come to me with the top ten. I'll send you what I expect from my possible future husband." I say formally.

She nods and smiles at me knowingly.

I hate that smile.

Hate the way her slim and strict jaw melts and looked warm for once. Hate how her blue eyes sparkle light grey.

But at the same time, I don't really ever see her smile. So its a bitter sweet thing for me. I like seeing directed at anyone but me though. I don't like the idea that she knows everything because its just plain creepy.

"I will see to it shortly my Princess, but before I go, King Henry has requested your presence at court some time this month."

I raise an ebony eyebrow at her.

"Why? Is it in any way important?"

I really don't want to go to court. Its such an ordeal. So much gossip and political drama mixed with scandal. My sisters live for it, which is why father is milking them for everything their worth now. That won't be me.

Men rule there in the King's grace while women either have to find pleasure or confinement in more ways than one. Like marriage or mistress roles. There wasn't much for a woman who wasn't interested in politics in my opinion.

Maritsa sighs and rolled her hard eyes tiredly. Probably at the imaginary King that was starting to piss us both off.

"I doubt it, but he said he'd be willing to 'Beg on his knees' to get the chance to formally meet you."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

Ha, like hell he'd beg to me. He would most likely force me to go or have someone else bully me into it.

Might as well save the time,right?

And now would be a good chance to get a grasp on just what the bloody hell is going on with Anne Boleyn and her blatant insanity. I want the full and try story on why King Henry wants a divorce from Catherine. I want to know why he's so obsessed with Anne.

And the best way to do that is to fund out myself. Who knows, maybe I'll even find a husband and be able to go home by this time next year. Which would be much desired.

"Well then, tell the maids to ready my things. We leave in a fortnight."

"Yes your Highness."

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