And Don't You Forget It Part 1

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It was the Privy Counsel meeting today. I have not spoken to Henry since my very forward proposition.

I knew it was a long shot but he would think with a critical brain for a moment and consider it I know I can convince him fully.

I just need to get alone with him.

Preparing for the meeting was simple. Felicity and Maritsa dressed me in a simple gown in the color violet. I was feeling very confident today that things shall go as hoped. I dawned my crown from Morea and my family ring with a collar on my neck with a ruby in the center of the black lace.

My hair was down and in waves. I felt stunning today. Not that I'm not stunning every other day, but today was very important to look my very best. I had a room full of men to intimadate today for the sake of my homeland after all.

I waltz out of my room and head into the direction of the council meeting room. Passing by other women as they tried to catch a glipse, only to watch my heels leaving the hall into the domain no woman of this court would dare enter without a summons. I don't believe any of them would want to either. For fear of slipping their tongue and speaking their minds only to be named a witch and shunned. Or much, much worse.

I open the door without so much as hesitating. I am greeted by the council of men and the King's Duke. They turn to me and I can just feel their confusion.


"Charles Brandon, I am no mere lady."

The man seems to try to fight his erge to roll his eyes at me. Aw, what damn gentle man.

"Of course,and whom might I be speaking to then?"

I smile politely as I make my way father into the room, " Cassandra of Greece. I am here to speak upon the behalf of my home land if you'll hear it." He seems to understand my offense at being mistaken for an English woman.

He forces a smile onto his face and nods to me, "Ah, I apologize for the mistake. Please take a seat we were just waiting for-"

"Me I suppose? Well wait no longer." Ah so the KIng has graced us with his presense has he? The redheaded King walks to me and proceeds to kiss my left hand, right above my family ring. "Cassandra it is a pleasure."

"Please, I am charmed. You flatter me." I smirk again and take a cautious seat next to a random man. "But please, the plesantries can come later. Lets get the main attraction out of the way first yes?"

He nods smiling and takes a seat directy across from me. I ignore the other men in the room to give the most important one my full attention. There was a total of 19 men in  the room besides myself and Henry.

"I believe that you are correct, now onto the allience. What can Greece offer and what do you demand in return?"

I straighten my posture, what I am about to say may change my standing here but oh well. "We demand from England ships and weaponary to be provided for our military. The exact details of which are being debated as we speak but I'll be able to get it to you in a fortnight. What we are willing to offer in return is gold for the weapons, and ships. We also know about your...situation, and would like to provide our...assistance as I've already offered."

Henry raises an eyebrow before leaning forward, "That can't be all you want."

"It's not. Which is why if you agree to take our offer for the personal assistance you would have papers to sign and important promises and things to agree to." I say emotionless.

A man, who's name I don't care to ask for, asks a question. "What is this "personal assistance" that Greece is willing to provide for the King?"

I smile at him sweetly, or as sweetly as I can. "A marriage proposal. Which will solve the Boleyn scandal and provide an heir to your bare Prince thrown," I look to Henry with a straight face no longer playing nice Princess, " I would be willing to discuss this other part of the agreement if you are willing to both compromise and form a more secure allience. All you'd have to do is say yes and nothing would be official until after the conception of a male heir."

Henry looks to be contiplating the idea ,no one else speaks up and before they can I stand up, "I'll give you all some time to con-"

"I'll have to read through the details of your demands but I am open to discuss marriage if you can assist my seperation with Catherine."

That's when I smile brightly, "Of course. When should we talk?"

"Is right now a good enough time?"

I shrug, this was all I had to do today anyway. I was just going to write to my cousin Martha but she can wait. "Of course, I feel that a change of scene would be better for this. Outside maybe?"

"That would be ideal for such a delicate topic, men," all the men stood and out the door we went.

I didn't expect to be alone with the KIng but at least once we reached the garden they all had the decency to stay just outside of ear shot. We may be royals but sometimes having your council around you all the damn time took away the air's freshness. And England was already a naturally a very stale place so you have to get as mush fresh air when you could.

"So you wish to marry me?" Henry asks smirking. I can't help but chuckle, did women actually find this charming? I don't get it. "I personally wish to understand why a woman of your situation would wish to marry a KIng such as myself. You are a traveler and as a Queen of England you'd be tied to one man and one nation and you obviously weren't made for that."

Yeah, and don't you forget it. 

"It is true that I am very self sufficient, however I wish to help you. And of course take my own destiny into my hands instead of marrying another random man. From experience I know that my father cannot pick out good matches for any of his children."

(A/n: This is a 2 parter!)

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