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I dash down the street towards the building that contains the main entrance to Heaven. I have a meeting that starts in less than five minutes and I really can't afford to arrive to another late. I don't think I could take the humiliation again. Just as I turn the corner of the last street, I run point blank into a man walking the opposite way, spilling his coffee all over myself, and all over him. I gasp, and begin apologizing profusely, while trying to catch my breath.

"Oh my! I am so sorry, it's my fault, I should've been paying attention, I was in such a rush, oh dear-"

"You're good. It's not the end of the world."

I regain my breathe and take a good look at the man, He has short, chestnut brown hair, wears all black and has a peculiar pair of sunglasses on. I can't imagine why, it's quite a bleak day.

"You're an Angel, aren't you?" he asks, out of the blue. I hesitate.

"Well, I..." I stammer, taken aback. He just smiles.

"It's fine. I'm not exactly human myself."

"You- you're a demon, I assume?" If I'm seen with him by my superiors...

He exhales slowly. "...yes." He removes his sunglasses to reveal piercing yellow eyes, and extends a hand. "Crowley." I reluctantly shake it. "Aziraphale." I Miracle the spilled coffee off my jacket and his, apologizing once again.

"Well... if you'll excuse me, I have to, ah,  report up to Heaven now. Late for another meeting," I tell him, chuckling nervously.

"Sure. Don't worry about the coffee, I can always Tempt them to give me another," he says with a smirk. "I'll see you around, Angel."

"Y-yes. Goodbye."

I turn back to watch him saunter away, and my heart flutters. I don't know why, it's just- something about him. The nickname, too. Something about the way he called me Angel.

Goddammit, Aziraphale! You've known this man all of ten seconds and you've already fallen for him. Ridiculous.

I shake my head.

He's a DEMON! It's forbidden, and your encounter probably meant nothing to him! Stop it!

Reluctantly, I walk the rest of the way to the entrance to Heaven, trying to forget about Crowley.

But I can't. I can't stop thinking about him.

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