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-azi and crowley are stuck in a lift together and crowley decides to help-


God, I can't wait to get home. A day of tempting unaware mortals is surprisingly tiring, even for someone who doesn't need sleep. I stand alone in an lift, leading up to the car park where I left the Bentley on the top floor. It stops, and a man gets in. He's quite odd looking, bleached blonde hair, brown waistcoat and a long cream coat. Quite the opposite of me, in all black. Perhaps he's an angel. After all, we are in London, and I heard an angel runs a bookstore down in Soho. What a small world this is.

We stand side by side in silence, until the lift suddenly creaks to a halt. I look up in mild surprise, but the man next to me seems to have grown rather distressed, nervously adjusting his bow tie and muttering under his breath.

"Oh no... not now..."

"You okay there?" I question, turning to him. He nods hastily.


"The name's Crowley," I tell him. He just nods hastily. "Claustrophobic?" He nods again, a pained look on his face. I hesitate. "You're an angel, aren't you?"


"Don't worry, I'm a demon."



"My name. It's Aziraphale. And- yes, I am an angel. How did you know?" He looks puzzled. I just smirk.

"I hear things. Anyway, can't you just miracle yourself out of here? What's the big deal?" Aziraphale pauses. He shuffles uncomfortably, looking embarrassed.

"I- um. Well, you see, they said I'd been performing too many- how would you put it- frivolous miracles. I really don't want to upset Gabriel any more."

"Ah, I see. Been a little bit too good then, have you, angel?" The corner of his mouth perks up. I can tell he liked the pet name. "Oh, go on then, I suppose I can take care of this one."

With a snap of my fingers, the lift jerks into action and Aziraphale breathes a sigh of relief.


"Don't say that! My side gets a lot more than upset when I do something wrong, and if they find out I've been talking to an angel, Satan knows what they'll do!" Instantly, I feel bad for snapping at him, and mutter a quick apology.

The lift reaches the top floor, but before I step out, I lean over and kiss the angel on the cheek. I don't know what came over me but it felt right, somehow.

"See you around, angel," I say, strutting out the lift leaving the flabbergasted angel behind.


A/N hi!! pls feel free to leave suggestions in the comments!! i'm currently working on a longer fic part 1 of which will hopefully be up this week or next, so my creativity is running low lmao. i have an idea for a sorta gomens/doctor who crossover though!

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