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-relationships in heaven are forbidden, and crowley and aziraphale have been found out. they spend their last moments together before crowley is cast into hell-


A sin, they called it. Don't see what's so sinful about love. I'd found the one thing that truly made me happy and now it's being ripped away from me. There's rumours that fallen angels get their memories erased as well, so he's not even going to remember me. Angels are perfect, loving beings? I don't believe a word of that.

I'm torn from my thoughts by the sound of a door opening, and the Archangel Gabriel enters the waiting room.

"If you have something to say to him, now's the time. You have five minutes," he tells me with a stony expression. Ironic, I think bitterly, that they're letting us see each other now that they've cast him out, but I say nothing, just nod and walk through to the interrogation room, the door closing behind me.

Crowley is sitting there alone, bound to the table with magic, with his head in his hands. My legs tremble a little as I sit down in front of him.

"...Crowley?" He lifts his head, and his eyes are red and puffy, like he's been crying. Crowley never cries.

"Hey, angel." His voice is quiet and horse, and he sounds utterly defeated. My heart thuds. I hate seeing him like this.

"Crowley, I'm so sorry, I-" My breath hitches.

"Oh, Aziraphale, it's not your fault. It's those bastards in charge," he tells me in an attempt of reassurance.

"Yes, I- I suppose..." I say miserably.

"Don't look so glum, angel. Yes, I know, I'm a hypocrite, look at me. But you never know. Maybe we'll meet again one day," suggests Crowley, trying to find something to be positive about.

"But you won't remember me!" I say tearfully.

"I don't think I could ever truly forget you, angel," he says, grinning weakly. I sniffle and reach across the table to hold his hands in mine. They're freezing, so I warm them up with a single thought.

"You know- you were the only one who genuinely liked me," I tell him, chuckling slightly. "Nobody else took me seriously. You gave me a reason to live." Crowley gives me a small smile. Anyone else wouldn't have noticed it, but it makes me feel very safe. A single tear trickles down my cheek. "Oh, I'm going to miss you, you big idiot!" I say, my voice wobbling, trying hard to stop myself from breaking down completely. 

"I'll miss you too, Aziraphale. Even if they take my memories, I'll be thinking about you right 'til the end."

I hesitate.

"Are- are you scared?"

"I- well. To be honest with you, angel, I'm bloody terrified. I'm losing everything I've ever known. I have to say goodbye to you." Crowley looks - and sounds - like he's on the verge of tears. I get up to walk to his side of the table, and he leans into me, suddenly heaving with sobs. I cradle his head, murmuring comfort into his ears.

At that moment, Gabriel walks in.

"Time's up."

My heart sinks. This is it. Crowley looks away from the angel in the doorway, embarrassed.

"Look at me, Crowley," I say, "you're going to be okay. I love you. So, so much." I kiss him, not caring that Gabriel is standing there. He holds my face in his hands, pulling me closer, refusing to waste a single second. I've never wanted to live in a single moment more.

When we finally break apart, Gabriel stands there with an eyebrow raised.

"Time's up," he repeats.

"YES! Yes. I know." I retort angrily, surprising myself. Gabriel looks like he wants to say something, but stays silent. I look at Crowley one last time, and he gives me a small wave. I smile, waving back. Then, I turn away from him forever. The door shuts behind me.

And, all of a sudden, I am quite alone in the world.


WHOA THERE, THAT WAS SAD. i wanted to do something different!! hopefully u enjoyed it tho! the next chapter will be much more uplifting, i promise. here's a hint: selfies...

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