Christmas Mourning

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(Ironic title, cause it's actually Christmas Eve, in the story.)

(Nobody's POV:)
Rian and Austin were sitting alone around the sacred tree, which was bare of lights and any form of decoration. The two Alphas were sitting together, leaning on each other for support. Why, you ask? Well, today was the very day that their old friends, the other True Alphas, had died. That was 4 years ago, and the two had not celebrated Christmas since. They had, which was very understandable, no interest in celebrating the day of their friends' deaths, thank you very much. Now, the two were so occupied by their Vigil for their friends, that they hadn't noticed the Alpha of PackHaven sneaking up behind them, ready to attack. Now this Alpha, by the name of Mario, noticed what they were doing, and became confused. That is, until the Ancestors told him what the pair were doing, and at this news, his ears went down, sadness clear in his features. After all, nobody deserves to die, not even them. Mario turned around and left, not wanting to disturb them, but deciding to try and cheer them up from the sidelines. As Mario went to his Pack, the two Alohas sat there, and whispered apologies to their dead friends. Little did they know, the Dead heard their whispers, and relayed them to Mario, along with advice on how to cheer the Alphas up. That night, after the two Alphas had fallen asleep, Mario returned, and simply placed two small items beneath the tree, alongside a note. As the two woke the following morning, they noticed the items beneath the tree, and crept closer to inspect them. Rian grasped one gingerly, along with the note. He read it silently, his eyes becoming watery. He passed the note, alongside the other item, to Austin, and looked at his own gift, which was within a small box, with a crescent moon clasp. Rian slowly undid the clasp, and opened the box, tears running down his face at what he saw within it. It was a flute, much like the one Mario owns, but this flute was made of MoonWood, and had an ethereal glow to it, as though it was infused with the essence of the moon itself. Rian soon turned his gaze to his fellow Alpha, who was also in tears. His item was a necklace, which had a single gleaming white fang as its charm. Upon closer inspection, Rian noticed the gang wasn't real, but made of MoonStone, a rare gem coveted by werewolves for its healing property. There was a note alongside it, which read 'This, I know, will not be able to bring back what you have lost, but it will be able to help you keep what you have.' That day, the both of them sat together thankful for the gifts, and Rian played a soft, sorrowful melody on his flute, in order to honor their lost friends.


Word Count: 493

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