Requiem of a Broken Heart (FTO)

400 16 4

(Jakey POV:)
Kay and Kit were looking at him menacingly. You see, they had announced 3 weeks ago that they were hosting a Valentines Dance, and it was tomorrow, and Jakey hadn't gotten a suit, or asked anyone to go with him, and that just wouldn't do. The duo grabbed Jakey by his arms, and started pulling him into a suit parlor, and shoved him in a changing room, Kay getting an outfit for him, and Kit keeping him in the room. Ten minutes later, he was dressed for the dance.

 Ten minutes later, he was dressed for the dance

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The girls looked at each other and high-fived. Jakey blushed, and covered his face with his hands. "Awww, he's flustered! Now for phase two..." Kay said as she grabbed him by the arms and started dragging him again, but this time the destination was... Bryan's house.

-time skip y'all-

Jakey stood at Bryan's door, working up the courage to knock. Then he heard something. "I don't know... I love him, but... I can't force love on him, that wouldn't work out... he's too fragile for that... but gods, he's so cute, and funny, and... I love him so much..." He heard Bryan say, and his eyes teared up. Jakey then raced away, dropping the flowers he was going to give Bryan on his doorstep, right as Bryan opened the door.

(Author's Note: Ayyy I'm late but idk)

Word Count: 222

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