Don't trust moldy sandwiches

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"Sooo.." Leo said walking beside me.

"Soo..." I replied, oh so intelligently.

"How about that weather." He said gesturing to the clear sky.

"Yep it's nice." well this is awkward, I thought.

"Yup..." he said lowering his arm, back to his side. Silence settled over us leaving a very uncomfortable feeling in the air. Just silence... Until my stomach decided this was a good time to notify me if it's emptiness.

"Gurrglerrg" it said. I couldn't help but giggle a little. But Leo found it historical.

"Someone's hungry." Leo said after he stopped laughing.

"Yeah we should find somewhere to stop and eat." I said searching for any sign of a main road. "Over there is a little cement, maybe it's like a drive-way or something.." I said hopefully.

"Let's follow it and see." he said walking in that direction. I jogged to catch-up and we just walked, but this time it wasn't as awkward. Most of the tension was lifted. I guess I should thank my stomach.

Once we reached the cement, we found that it is indeed a driveway. The scraggly and cracked path led to a small rusty building, with a weird sign with so much gunk you couldn't even read it.

"Are you sure you wanna go in there? Because I think I packed some granola bars in my bag." Leo whispered, looking suspiciously at the sign.

"No, we might need them for later." I replied to him, slowly making my way to the old glass doors,"besides, I don't really want granola."

"Are you always this picky?" He asked me, making a stink face as he tried to open the doors and broke the handle. He pursed his lips and looked at the broken handle.

I slowly walked to the door, wiped some grime off and peeked inside. It looked empty, but you can never be to sure. Us demigods have to be careful.

"Let's just get in, look around for something to eat, and get out." I said, bringing out my knife and holding it out in front of me.

"Sounds good to me." Leo slowly opened the other door, trying to avoid breaking it. The door creaked open and we stepped inside. The room smelt of stale bread and moldy cheese. The wooden floors creaked as we walked to the metal counter at the back wall.

"Oh gross!" Leo exclaimed as he came to the other side of the counter, finding and old moldy sandwich sitting on a napkin.

"Ew." I added. I found a door behind the chair and hesitantly places my hand on the knob. As I was about to turn it, something creaked and I jumped back. I pointed my knife toward the general area in which the sound originated finding a woman in her thirties with curlers, in a bath-robe and a VERY startled face.

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