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The gap between them was closing, they didn't have much time. Screw it! Lance thought as she grabbed Keith's jacket and pulled him in. Their lips met and Lance placed a hand on his neck to ensure he wouldn't pull away too early.

Keith was surprised and remained in a stiff position. Just seconds before they passed the aliens he cupped Lance's head in his hands.

When they reached the top Lance was the first to break apart her face growing warm with every step she took away from the escalator. She managed a quick glance back and found Keith standing frozen looking at where she once stood. A moment later he shook his head and ran to catch up with her.

Keith moved quickly through the crowd trying to get closer. His heart was still pounding inside his chest from the moment he had with Lance. He definitely had seen the big suspicious-looking aliens, but when Lance told him to kiss her he froze. He wasn't sure if she was serious or what but he knew for sure that there were no romantic feelings involved, just Lance trying to save their skins.

When Keith finally got through he found Lance standing off to the side looking into a store window. Keith walked up to her, but she hardly acknowledged him. She kept her face towards the store and her lips were pursed in frustration.

"Lance?" she didn't turn towards him, her voice was tight as she spoke.

"The other two disappeared into this store into the back," She turned away from the store and walked away, "I need to find a way to see what is back there." She fiddled with her jacket as she walked.

Keith followed behind, truly interested in why Lance was so interested in these cloaked aliens. When he first saw them it looked like they were just cloaked with a very well built body underneath. He paused for a moment, he saw one of them, a tuft of purple fur sticking out. Were they Galra?

"Lance...Wait up!" he caught up to her. She was standing little ways down from the store leaning against the balcony, her eyes transfixed on the entrance. She glanced at him when he walked up but she immediately went back to the store entrance. In her hands she fidgeted with a device that was a thin black rectangle with a blue screen. Nothing special about it looked like a regular communicator, aside from the Altean tech.

"Were those aliens-" he started to say before Lance turned sharply to face him, her denim colored eyes piercing his.

"No, they weren't. And if you're smart," she poked his chest with her finger, "you'll stay out of this and act as if nothing happened," she gave him one last look before turning to lean against the balcony again, this time her back facing the store.

There were a few moments of silence with Keith and Lance standing not looking at anything in particular.

Lance was watching the floor below and Keith was watching the people walk by.

"Quiznack!" Lance said suddenly. By the time Keith turned around Lance was up on the bar of the balcony trying to gain her balance.

Keith reached out and grabbed her hand. "What do you think you're doing!? Are you crazy?" He shouted his voice cracking as he spoke.

"Don't you see?" She gestured to the first floor. A fight had broken out and it looked like the first two Aliens had started it.

Lance slipped off her jacket and dropped it behind her next to Keith. She then dove off the balcony headed straight towards the first floor. She had her arms and legs spread out as if she was a star, her eyes trained on a target.

When she reached the first floor, just before she landed. She pulled her legs beneath her. As she landed she bent her legs to help absorb the shock. She had landed on top of one of the alien's shoulders barely knocking it off balance. He moved his hands to grab her, but she was too quick and she did a back-flip landing a few feet behind him. She pulls out a blade partially wrapped in a cloth and charges.

Wait a minute.....

Keith's hand goes immediately to his lower back where he always keeps his...."oh no she didn't," he picks up her jacket and makes a dash for the escalator. Jumping up onto the rail he rides it down to the first floor jumping off just before it levels out.

"Lance!" He makes his way towards her pushing past panicking customers and store owners.

Just as he is about to make it to her, he feels his feet leave the ground. Keith is spun around looking right into the face of a Galra officer. He struggled in the grip trying to break free.

"You really think that it's going to be that easy huh?" He chuckled a little bit, "you know she won't be able to protect you forever." His grip on the jacket tightened and Keith winced a little bit. He glanced back at Lance who was fighting the other alien.

"What-What are you talking about?" He turned back to the Galra officer.

"Oh? She hasn't told you?" He seemed delighted by that fact.

"Told me what?" He was starting to get aggravated. This officer was beating around the bush. Just then the other Paladins arrived on the scene helping get everything under control.

The other two aliens joined in from the second floor when they appeared no one knew.

Keith watched as Lance used his blade to fend off the other Galra from a family that had gotten trapped in the crossfire. He watched with admiration as she held it and tossed it from one hand to the other.

I never knew she was so good with a blade...

He was only able to watch a few seconds more before a hand slipped around his neck. It got tighter and tighter until eventually, he couldn't breathe. He felt the blood rushing to his head and his body go limp. Lance's jacket dropped from his hand onto the floor. Dark spots speckled his vision and he opened his mouth letting out a gasp.

"No one can save you now."

He watched as the purple face in front of him as his body went limp and everything faded to black.

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