Chip off the Old Block (S8)

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A/n- Two updates in one week! Not sure how I managed that lol, but that is not the point of this note:

It is in my own opinion that poor Cole does not get all the love or attention he deserves (sadly so far in my story too). He's the first leader of the team, which the comics flesh out a little more than the show. But still, it majorly bugs me in season 5 when all the ninja try to be leader and his plan fails as hard as the rest of them. Sure plans don't always work the way they should... but ranting over that is not the point of this chapter. (Also annoyed all he has is a special where he's a focal character, not an entire season when the pretty much all the others do at this point).

So I really really loved how the writers gave him a special interaction with little Wu over the course of Seasons 8 and 9. This just expounds on that further. Also I don't see Cole even considering leaving a baby in the SoG's clutches so...

"You have got to be kidding me!" Cole exclaimed as he looked down.

The so called 'key' gurgled back at him happily.

"A baby. You're a baby! How are you supposed to be some key to the last mask?"

The baby <shockingly> didn't answer and Cole placed the blue blanket back over the cradle. He glanced at the door behind him then back at the baby. While getting out of here... wherever that was... and getting back to the ninja with this whole 'key' information was a priority, Cole knew he couldn't leave the baby there. Locking up a precious, inanimate, key made some amount of sense- keeping an infant in a dungeon did not.

'These people are all sorts of psycho!' Cole grit his teeth. Even if it made getting out of here more difficult there was no way he was leaving this helpless little one in the SoG's clutches. The very fact they'd locked the baby down here showed they didn't care much for... him? The baby's swaddling clothes were blue so that's what Cole was going with. And Cole did not have the time (or comfort level) to fact check that right now. So a him the baby would be.

But this was not going to be easy. Making up his mind Cole awkwardly gathered the baby in his arms.

"Let's get the both of us out of here."

"Or not."

Cole whipped around to see Ultra Violet standing in the doorway, sai glittering in the dim light. 'Oh, crap.' Cole barely had time to think before she charged.

"Hey, watch it!" Cole twisted sideways and risked a glance down at the baby.

While he might not know much about how to take care of an infant, Cole was pretty sure body slamming into one ranked high on the 'do-not-do' list.

"Then give him back!"

So the baby was a him. Good to know.

"Yeah, not gonna happen." Hopefully. Ultra Violet still stood between them and the door.

Screeching in anger she extended a sai and lunged forward again. Cole backed up and quickly jumped to the side. Her attack left a path open to the door. Without giving her a chance to recover Cole threw himself toward the door, tripping over his feet in the process.


A sai buried itself into the wall where Cole's head had been only seconds earlier.

"Jeez lady!"

This woman was insane! Cole had to get out of there before she hurt either of them. He dove out of the room curling to protect the infant from impact. Rolling on his back Cole saw Ultra Violet pull out a second sai and brandish it in his direction.

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