In the Belly of the Beast 1 (S6)

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A/n- shout out to ninjagoFan1029 for encouraging this one in to existence. Not sure if it would be here otherwise. Though Jay may not be too thankful 😅...

Kid show logic keeps things squeaky clean but from the glimpses we get of Jay on board the Misfortune's Keep it's kinda obvious Jay is roughed up by the crew. We get a couple brief glimpses when Clancee gives Jay the eye-patch and when Cole finds Jay on board, but both times he's more or less fine the next second. Unless you're Wolverine or someone like that, that's not really how the body works (which given my career choice is just something I personally am more aware of 🤷🏼‍♀️😁). This arc digs deeper into that and expounds on what was hinted at in "Days of Future Past."

As such I am putting an fyi PG-13 rating on this for violence and uh, 'awkwardness'...

Given how bad the last couple weeks had gone Jay shouldn't have been surprised it could get any worse:

•They'd missed getting to Clouse in time

•Wu and Misako disappeared

•The ninja were all framed and arrested

•They were given an impossible task to find a super secret island with one specific (and highly dangerous!) thing to have any hope of success

•Kai and Zane also disappeared.

However being restrained, gagged and held at hook point hadn't been on his radar for today's activities.

Jay's stomach dropped, as much from the changing atmospheric pressure as the horror of his circumstances, while he watched the island and his remaining friends grow smaller and smaller below him.

Nadakhan laughed coldly behind his ear. "Trust me neen-ja. Soon you will be begging to wish it all away."

Nausea churned dangerously in Jay's gut. It was only the tiniest pinprick of logic that reminded him puking into a gag would not go over well that kept him from heaving. Suffocation was not something he wanted to add to his list of current woes. That and retching would be sure to get him impaled by the hook still pressed into his throat.

Nadakhan and didn't speak the rest of the flight but Jay could feel the smugness emanating from him. It made Jay's skin crawl, but the worst part of it was he knew Nadakhan was right. If he had already been able to overtake Zane of all people, there was no way Jay could last long against him. His thoughts turned to Nya and the stricken look on her face as Nadakhan dragged Jay away. The look that said even if Jay had royally messed up, she still cared about him. Seeing that was more than enough to encourage Jay to fight on.

'For you Nya, I can do this. I have to.' Nadakhan already implied he intended to go back for the remaining ninja, but if Jay could keep his attention away from them maybe they would stay safe— and possibly come to his rescue. Though given the current circumstances that seemed hopeless.

Jay's ears popped and without moving Jay turned his attention outside the plane windows. He gave an involuntary start of surprise, the movement enough to draw blood, but for a moment Jay didn't even notice. There, floating high, high above the ground, were the missing parcels of land.

'What in the world!?!?' It wasn't enough they were dealing with a shapeshifting, manipulative, wish granting djinn, but he somehow had the power to raise huge portions of land and suspend them in midair. Captain Soto had massively undersold them the gravity– pun intended– of the situation.

Once the shock wore off pain flared near his throat. 'Wha...? Oh.' Blood trickled down his neck, causing a tickling sensation that Jay could do nothing about.

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