black mamba (1/2)

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^this is a black mamba btw. it's very venomous.

summary: you and peter become superhero besties but disaster strikes and it doesn't look so good for you.

warnings: chill and happy in the beginning even though it doesn't sound like a one-shot but this was originally gonna be hella parts but i'm lazy af so i minimized it to two parts yay me. also, the summary kinda lied this isn't about peter at all. actually, it's all in the second part soooooo...

word count: 1186

a/n: B/N= brother's name, or boy's name if you don't have a brother

a/n: your superhero name is "black mamba" and you have the power to mimic other powers. like, if you touch peter, then you gain the same powers as him.

You're sitting on your bed in the Avengers tower, writing an essay on your computer, when you hear a knock on your door. "Who is it?" you ask, not looking up from your work.

"B/N." You look up excitedly and run to the door to let your brother inside. You open the door with a fat smile on your face. you jump up and wrap your arms and legs around him in a big hug. B/N isn't only your brother, but your best friend because he is your only blood relative left. your parents, who were killed in an auto incident, were both only children. Your grandparents passed long ago from old age and leukemia.

"What are you doing here?" You ask your brother excitedly as he sets you down.

"Well, I just thought now would be a good time to visit you." He smiles.

"Why?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. "Oh! Yes! Actually, I have something for you." You grab a box from under your bed and hand it to B/N.

He excitedly tears off the Iron Man wrapping paper (it was that only one Tony had) and squealed like a little girl at a zoo. "Om my gosh!" He opens the shoebox and hugs you very tightly. He thanks you over and over again, and you say "you're welcome" to every one. You know B/N has been wanting these shoes for forever. He talked about his friends having them and how cool they look while you video-chatted with him a couple of times since you moved in with the Avengers.

You are known as the superhero Black Mamba, like the snake. And it sounds cool. Your power, as Tony and Bruce call it, is power mimicry. When you touch someone with powers, you inherit those powers and can use them just like the person you got it from. Tony adopted you into the Avengers family after you accidentally pick-pocketed Peter. With his spider-senses though, he noticed you and grabbed your arm before you could put his wallet into your pocket. He helped you release the wallet when it stuck to your hand when you tried to give it back. Peter told Tony, and he managed to track you down.

This was the first time B/N visited you in the tower since you moved from your little apartment a month and a half earlier. You walk him around the tower, showing him the kitchen, living room, theater, and of course, you show him down the hallway that hosts all of the Avenger's bedrooms. B/N freaks out when he sees Captain America's door, begging you to go inside, but you don't let him because Steve would never let you live to see another day.

B/N stays with you for a couple more hours until your stepdad (which B/N still lives with) calls him and tells him to come back. You escort him out and wave to him as he drives away. You go back up to your room and attempt to finish your essay when the PA system buzzes live. "All Avengers, please meet me in the planning in your suits ASAP. Thank you." Tony states, then the system buzzes again, signaling the end of the message.

You change into your black and gold dress (a/n: it's like Supergirl's outfit except it's black and gold and without the "S". would i call that a suit or dress? whatever), pull your hair into a high ponytail and grab your mask from your desk before running down to the planning room to meet the other Avengers.

-<>-<>- time skip brought to yall by HEY its almost winter break and i finished all my finals so i'll hopefully be writing some more. hehe i have like 8675309 drafts and i feel bad

You crack your knuckles and tilt your head to the side to crack your neck while bouncing on the balls of your feet, getting ready to run into HYDRA's newest base which, unluckily, is in a normal office building beside a normal street. The doors of the quinjet open, letting you and most of the team run towards the building, ready to attack. Steve busts down the front doors and walks up to the receptionist, who pulls out a gun, ready to shoot him (or any one of you), but not before Natasha shoots her.

You all split down two corridors tot he left and right of the receptionist's desk. Your team walks up a few flights of stairs, a couple of people breaking off to search each floor. You end up on the roof, quickly scanning the area before deciding to just chill until someone needs you. You scroll through your watch that holds a bit of everyone's DNA so that you could switch powers without touching anyone. The door to the roof busts down (a/n: ... not like that) and you quickly tap "Spiderman" and grab the gun out of his hand and toss it off the roof.

The big man starts fighting you hand-to-hand, and you're suddenly grateful for Natasha making you train with her when you could be studying. He grabs a knife out of his boot and you mutter to yourself, "Well then. Wasn't expecting that." You continue to fight him off the best you can, but before you know it, he's pinned you to the ground, at the very edge of the roof, holding the knife dangerously close to your face, and you're just barely keeping it from touching you by pushing his arm away. You kick him with your knee so he topples over the edge. You lie back and sigh in relief.

Right as your about to get up, your hand gets tangled in some webbing that you put on the man earlier and it pulls you off the roof, trailing behind the man. you frantically switch your watch to "Scarlet Witch" so you could hold yourself up when you get too close to the ground. You open your eyes and look down at the street below you, bustling with busy people trying to get home from work in the late afternoon. Much, much, much to your dismay, the man seems to be falling right in the middle of the quickly-moving road. You try to move him away, but the momentum and gravity won't let you.

You keep your eyes on the ground and get your hands ready. The man lands on the windshield of a car, making you cringe. You let yourself down, then fly over the cars to help the injured driver and possible passengers.



nice ending? don't know her.

suspense? hell yeah, sis.

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