July, 1994

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Months had passed and I was getting really comfortable with Britain. I was beginning to enjoy and appreciate everything I have here, back home the situation wasn't the same. Unfortunately, Kamal hasn't arrived or my family and I haven't heard from any of them, On the bright side, I've finally made a friend, Maimuna. After walking down my road hundreds of times we noticed each other, probably because we were the only dark skinned people that lived on the road. Coincidentally, we were both from east Africa however, she was from Kenya. Although there was the English language barrier, which I must say I'm handling much better, I picked up a lot Swahili when I lived in Kenya.

As we got to know each other we began doing a lot of things together, from dropping the kids to school, grocery shopping and leisure centre activities on friday evenings while her husband took care of the kids. She also has two children, a boy the same age as Waleed and a girl the same age as Zayn. Living in London for the past year has shown me a different side of the world, many people are friendly and open you move anywhere and you don't have to worry about moving alone because you'll always find a friend. 

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